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I cant believe it.


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what are u talking about?



btw how this person did this on puppy?

He dont have any feelings? i cant understand it..

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So sad...! Poor puppy....If i was there i would kill em..!! :@


Americans are ****** !


if you was holding a gun only.


Else you wouldn't be gold member, you would be dead now.

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Understand something, these (coz he is not the only one) done many worst things

in humans (and in dogs i guess...) .

He is not his fault imo, that guy have serious mental problems. American propaganda

consumed their brain. They are not humans anymore and they need help.

You can't blame him and say things like ''if i was holding a gun'' and bla bla bla.

Grow up, it's goverments fault, we CAN and we WILL change it, not by killings

or more violence, but with unity and proper education.


PS: Damn, i should be political right ?

PS 2: Americans are americans, which means HUMANS

like you and me, nothing more nothing less.


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Well, i know i must post my video on youtube thread

but i want to hear comment's about this cruel guy, i cant believe

what he did on this puppy.








THATS HORRIBLE !!!  >:(  >:(

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can any mod close it and delete this damn thing its -beep-ing horrible i can't watch it in mxc -beep- this

it's horrible but it's real.

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