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I cant believe it.


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Well, i know i must post my video on youtube thread

but i want to hear comment's about this cruel guy, i cant believe

what he did on this puppy.





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You are behaving like that for a dog..

Imagine for people who get killed every day from murders, terrorists or whatever.

Imagine about the kids that die each day because someone killed them, poisoned them..


This is life, try to accept it and do whatever you can so these things NEVER happen to you..

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Christianity says to love all people. Friends, enemies. So we should love 'em too ;) (Of course if we are christians)


Now, for the people who are not, I believe that the best way to punish them is to make the same thing to them. If they cut a hand, cut their hand too etc...

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2 Frank

ofc man u must, u think if some1 killed your brother or some1 else you mustnot revenge?  u cant love and forgive everyone.  whatever christianity says it is impossible, every1 hates some1 and does something bad to them. 

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Now, for the people who are not, I believe that the best way to punish them is to make the same thing to them. If they cut a hand, cut their hand too etc...


That's not the right way, by some reason laws exist.

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