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[BOT] NoFap_v0.40b - 0.52b

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New Features

  • Background Mode - Limited*
    Launcher - Use this for enhanced security
    Unignore by name button
    Misc AI updates

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the vast majority of the UI lag.  Click through menus without frustration!
    Fixed "resting" bug, where the bot would occasionally not realize it was no longer sitting.
    Fixed "ty ty ty" bug.

About Background Mode

There is now a checkbox above the "Start" button.  Checking this before clicking "Start" will put the bot in "Background Mode".  In this mode, the bot will not follow waypoints and cannot revive itself.  Instead, the bot will stay in one spot, searching for mobs.  Occasionally, the bot will use "E" to reverse its viewpoint, attempting to target mobs.  However, in this mode, Aion and NoFap can run in the background.  You can use your computer normally.


The limitation of movement is a fairly serious problem caused by the way Aion handles keyboard input.  Currently, it is not possible to move while running in background mode.  More on this later.


In order to ensure the bot does not fail while running in background mode, be sure to remove all the Key Mappings under "Quickbar" within Aion.  The reason for this is as follows:  if you are typing while the bot is running in the background, and you press "Shift", you have pressed a key that has global effects.  Because of this, if you happen to be pressing "Shift" when the bot attempts to attack a target with 1, 2, 3,etc, the quickbar will switch to a page that does not have any attack buttons and the bot will be unable to perform any actions.


One other thing to note about Background Mode.  While I've tried to make this as safe as possible, Background Mode is likely the least safe way to use NoFap.  Not only due to the way that keyboard input is passed to the process, but also due to the fact that you have no idea what your bot is doing.  Use this feature sparingly and do not leave your bot unattended while running in Background Mode.


Important Note about the Launcher

Ensure that the "Launcher.exe" file is in the same folder as NoFap.exe.  Do not start the bot by running NoFap.exe.  Only launch NoFap by using the Launcher.exe file.  This is a security enhancement.


Reminder: Keybinds

In order to use background mode, ensure that:

  • "E" is bound to "View Opposite Angle"
    All "Select Quickbar Line x" keybindings are unbound, or bound to a key that does not include "Shift" or "Alt".
    "F1" is bound to "Select Yourself"




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Bug Fixes

  • Double healing - should finally be resolved
    Resting bug - should be fixed, but please make sure you set your keybinds correctly (F1 to target yourself, E to view opposite angle if using background mode, etc).





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This is a big release, and contains many changes, so make sure you read these release notes very carefully.



The attack and buff system has been completely revamped.  There are new tabs under "File->Settings".  The new tabs are as follows:

  • Pre-Attacks


These are actions that are performed before the attack rotation is started.  They are only executed once, and are executed in order as they appear in the list.  When adding these actions, you must specify both a key combination to press (either a single key, or a combination of Alt/Crtl/Shift and a key), and a delay after this action.  The delay is simply a time the bot waits, in seconds, before executing the next action.



This tab defines the attack rotation the bot will follow.  Just as with the Pre-Attacks, you must specify a key combination and a delay.  Again, as with the Pre-Attacks, the delay is the wait time, in seconds, that the bot pauses for before executing the next attack in the rotation.  These keys will be repeated until the target is dead.



As with the previous two tabs, in this area you can specify actions by giving a delay and a key combination to press.  However, unlike the Attacks and Pre-Attacks, buffs will be re-applied when the delay is over.  The delay for buffs is in minutes, as opposed to seconds for the previous two items.  Fractions of minutes can be specified here.  For example, if a buff is to be applied every 30 seconds, the delay would be set to ".5".


For all of the above listed items, the current rotations are displayed in a listbox in the format <key to press>:<delay>.  For example, if a buff using the keys "Alt+0" was to be applied every 30 minutes, in the list box in the Buffs tab, you would see a "VK_MENU,0:30".  "VK_MENU,0" describes the keys to press (Alt+0), and the number after the colon (, 30, describes the refresh time of this buff.  Once every 30 minutes, this buff will be reapplied.


By default, the bot is setup just as it was in the previous version, except it no longer uses "1" as a "pull" key.  It will press keys 1-5, each at a 1 second delay.  By default, there are no Pre-Attack buttons.


All settings are saved in a commented file named "NoFap.ini".  This is a new file format different from the previous versions, and is much easier to understand.


Other Updates/Bug Fixes

  • Configurable ignore time for ignored mobs
    Stability and performance improvements
    A.I. tweaks
    Login information is saved in a "Login.ini" file, if the option to save this information is checked.


I think that's the bulk of it.  This is a very big release, so if you experience bugs, please be as descriptive as possible when describing them.


As a side note, please do not PM me with any requests for changes, suggestions, bugs, etc.  This is what the forums are for.  I get many...many PMs everyday, and you will get a much faster response if you simply make a post instead.


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Bug Fixes

  • Pre-Attacks not executing correctly, or executing too many times
    Settings not getting loaded correctly without closing NoFap
    Now able to specify multiple keys for a single key press (Ex: 5,6,7 is now valid input for a rotation item)
    Added default entries in NoFap.ini for Loot, Rest, TurnAround, and Target buttons
    Default NoFap.ini file should make the bot act the same as v0.41b
    Added a window showing what keys are currently being pressed; should help people figure out what's wrong with their rotations


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Bug Fixes

  • Potting fixed (although the bot still assumes that if it presses the pot button, the pot went off)
    Potting button is now read from the ini file, and has a default value of "VK_MENU,3"
    "Stutter" while moving through waypoints bug fixed
    "Stop"-button-not-listening-to-you bug fixed
    Crash-prevention for those that are having crashes after a few seconds/minutes of use
    Login information saved to the "Login.ini" file is now encrypted





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Updated for Aion v1.5.0.10

  • Added slider for transparency
    Added optional "Keys being pressed" window
    HOPEFULLY finally fixed the $@#$%ing pot bug


wait for next update.. 0.52b fuck up a lota shit. the previous ver worked great and i'd still use it if the servers didn't update earlier today...

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