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[Share] Gracia Plus Stuff [Login Screen, Splash Screens, Loading]

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Hello all xD


well i downloaded gracia plus pts client yesterday and i riped the login screen, splash screens, loading image etc from it.. and here i share with you ...


Login Screen:


Well this is the only COMPLETE gracia plus login screen u will find... its doesnt have animation and textures missing like the other share ...



Splash Screens:





well they are exactly like the gracia final ones exept they write "Plus" instead of "Final" in them.. pretty lame if you would ask me but anyway...  ::)



Loading Screen:


well it kinda reminds me other game than l2.. but w/e  :P



Mini Logo:


Thats the logo u see on the top left corner of the login screen.. (only difference from old one is again the "Plus" instead "Final")






Gracia Plus Login Screen

Gracia Plus Splash Screens

Gracia Plus Loading Screen & Mini Logo





(contains all the above)



note: for the loading screen & mini logo i created a new utx tha contains them so u dont have to replace the entire L2Font-e.utx! ;) all u need to do is change localization.ini to read the images from the new utx.. or just paste the already modified .ini that that i have included in your system (i have tested it only on gracia final client)


Credits goes to me  :P lolz


dude that one has textures missing (like i also posted in that topic) from floor and also some animation files are missing (those little colored-fly things) and dont post bullshit without knowing what u r talking about...  :/

  • 3 weeks later...

thank you! its verry nice share, but i have a problem whit that. I use your modified localization.ini, but in game the loading screen and the minilogo not changed. I copied the new UTX to the Systextures, and the ini to the system folder. Whats wrong?

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