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radar based far esp


struct CRadarPlayer
__int32 bIsValid; //0000  -> not updating that much?!
char unknown0[12];
char Unknown1[32]; //0010
__int32 iTeam; //0030
__int32 iHealth; //0034
Vector vOrigin; //0038
QAngle qViewAngles; //0044


void __stdcall new_PaintTraverse(vgui::VPANEL vguiPanel, bool forceRepaint, bool allowForce)
	PUSH allowForce
	PUSH forceRepaint
	PUSH vguiPanel
	MOV ECX, g_pPanel
	CALL g_dwOrgPaintTraverse

const char* pszPanelName = g_pPanel->GetName(vguiPanel);
if(pszPanelName[0] == 'M' 
&& pszPanelName[3] == 'S' 
&& pszPanelName[9] == 'T'
&& pszPanelName[12] == 'P')
	CBaseEntity* pLocal = (CBaseEntity*)g_pEntList->GetClientEntity(g_pEngine->GetLocalPlayer());
	if(pLocal && pLocal->IsAlive() && g_pEngine->IsInGame())
	    CRadarPlayer* pRadarPlayer = NULL;
	    player_info_t pInfo;
	    int iTeam = 0;
	    int r = 255, g = 255, b = 255;
	    Vector vPlayer, vScreen;
	    float fDistanceToPlayer;
	    float fBoxradius;

	    for(int index = 0; index < 32; index++)
	    	if(index == g_pEngine->GetLocalPlayer() - 1) continue;

	    		MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[244035C0h]
	    		MOV EAX, index
	    		SHL EAX,6
	    		MOV pRadarPlayer, EAX

		    if(pRadarPlayer == NULL 
		    || (pRadarPlayer->vOrigin.x == 0 && pRadarPlayer->vOrigin.y == 0 && pRadarPlayer->vOrigin.z == 0)
		    || pRadarPlayer->iTeam == 0
		    || pRadarPlayer->iHealth == 0) continue;

	    	iTeam = pRadarPlayer->iTeam;

	    	vPlayer = pRadarPlayer->vOrigin;

		    if(vPlayer.z == (int)vPlayer.z) vPlayer.z += 32;
		    else vPlayer.z -= 32;

	    	if(gNeeded.GetVisible(pLocal->EyePosition(), vPlayer) == false)
			    if(iTeam == 2)
			    	r = 255;
		    		g = 80;
			    	b = 60;
		    	else if(iTeam == 3)
		    		r = 80;
		    		g = 80;
		    		b = 255;
			    	r = 255;
			    	g = 255;
			    	b = 255;
			    if(iTeam == pLocal->GetTeamNumber())
			    	if(iTeam == 2)
				    	r = 255;
				    	g = 80;
				    	b = 60;
				    if(iTeam == 3)
				    	r = 80;
				    	g = 80;
				    	b = 255;
		    		r = 150;
		    		g = 255;
		    		b = 60;

	    	if(gNeeded.WorldToScreen(vPlayer, vScreen))
	    	    fDistanceToPlayer = gNeeded.GetDistance(pLocal->GetAbsOrigin(), vPlayer);
	    		fBoxradius = (100 / (fDistanceToPlayer / 100));

	    		g_pMatSystemSurface->DrawSetColor(r, g, b, 210);
	    		g_pMatSystemSurface->DrawOutlinedRect(vScreen.x - fBoxradius, vScreen.y - fBoxradius, vScreen.x + fBoxradius, vScreen.y + fBoxradius );


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