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[guide]Compiling Server (without eclipe, subclipse)

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1. JDK 6 Update 16

2. Apache Ant + Builder.Bat

3. TortoiseSVN


Now for the fun part ...

Install JDK,TortoiseSVN. Once installed create a new folder somewhere ... anywhere will do, and open it and right click, and select "SVN Repo-Browser", the url you use is "http://svn.assembla.com/svn/L2jOfficial", now right click on "lin2srv" and select "CheckOut" (you will do this for MMOcore, and data.) once finish downloading all of your source files, extract "ant-by-sikken.rar" to "C:/". now there will be "builder.bat" located in the root of your drive "C:/builder.bat", copy that file into the folder you downloaded your source files to. run "builder.bat", wait for it to finish, it dose not take long at all, only 10 minutes for the data.

once done building, there will be a new folder inside your source folder, named build,  open that and you will see your "lin2srv.zip".


ps: if you extracted "ant-by-sikken.rar" anywhere else besides "c:/" then you need to edit "builder.bat"

@echo off



If you have anyproblems at all with this guide, please leave a post here, and i will help you.

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