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file kalo tha itan na kaneis edit to 1o post sou. kai na ta vazeis ekei ta update.


Prin ksanapeite tin [(malakia sas) filika pada!] deite an ginetai prwta apo ola na to kanei!

kai min spamarete gamwto adika gia na parete posts!


PS: karaxaria an einai na kaneis update to last REV na to kaneis kalutera to vrady pou tha exoun vgalei kai alla simera malon! Efxaristw polu.



Sory guys. Karrxaria an thes na kaneis edit to prwto post emena mou exei ena modify dipla sto Quote. thanx


Prin ksanapeite tin [(malakia sas) filika pada!] deite an ginetai prwta apo ola na to kanei!

kai min spamarete gamwto adika gia na parete posts!


PS: karaxaria an einai na kaneis update to last REV na to kaneis kalutera to vrady pou tha exoun vgalei kai alla simera malon! Efxaristw polu.



Sory guys. Karrxaria an thes na kaneis edit to prwto post emena mou exei ena modify dipla sto Quote. thanx


file  kai emena mou eixe  otan ekana to post dipla apo to Quote  ena modify alla tora poia den exei .. 8a kano to bradu to update na  kanoun kai ta paidia ta update


file  kai emena mou eixe  otan ekana to post dipla apo to Quote  ena modify alla tora poia den exei .. 8a kano to bradu to update na  kanoun kai ta paidia ta update


ok re c thanx gia tin voitheia kai gia g ton xrono sou!


ego eimai  kai ego ebala to  fix tou baium


a ok re c tote wraios! lew kai egw na kanei update opote kaneis kai esy  :P

Tespa thanx! ama sou edina kati egw tha mporouses na to valeis?


afto ithela na valeis:


		if (clan != null)
			if (clan.getHasCastle() > 0)
				Castle castle = CastleManager.getInstance().getCastleById(clan.getHasCastle());
				if ((castle != null) && (activeChar.getObjectId() == clan.getLeaderId()))
					Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Castle Lord " + activeChar.getName() + " Of " + castle.getName() + " Castle Is Currently Online.");


einai script pou otan mpainei o Castle lord to grafei me announcements!


a ok re c tote wraios! lew kai egw na kanei update opote kaneis kai esy  :P

Tespa thanx! ama sou edina kati egw tha mporouses na to valeis?


afto ithela na valeis:


		if (clan != null)
			if (clan.getHasCastle() > 0)
				Castle castle = CastleManager.getInstance().getCastleById(clan.getHasCastle());
				if ((castle != null) && (activeChar.getObjectId() == clan.getLeaderId()))
					Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Castle Lord " + activeChar.getName() + " Of " + castle.getName() + " Castle Is Currently Online.");


einai script pou otan mpainei o Castle lord to grafei me announcements!

Peigene edw C:\Users\fdasfdasf\workspace\L2J-ARCHID\src\main\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\network\clientpackets


Vres to EnterWorld.java alla prepei na ksereis se poia shra na to prosthesis gia na mhn blockareis allo code..


BTW Wrong section


Peigene edw C:\Users\fdasfdasf\workspace\L2J-ARCHID\src\main\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\network\clientpackets


Vres to EnterWorld.java alla prepei na ksereis se poia shra na to prosthesis gia na mhn blockareis allo code..


BTW Wrong section


BTW kserw pou na to valw apla sto compile pou kanw den mporw meta na to kanw build to pack : /

an katalavaineis pws to ennow.

kai no den eimai se wrong section gt anaferthika sto paidi kai oxi se kati sygekrimeno

an mporei sto epomeno tou update pou tha kanei na valei kai afto to script!


BTW kserw pou na to valw apla sto compile pou kanw den mporw meta na to kanw build to pack : /

an katalavaineis pws to ennow.

kai no den eimai se wrong section gt anaferthika sto paidi kai oxi se kati sygekrimeno

an mporei sto epomeno tou update pou tha kanei na valei kai afto to script!

Sou vgazei error afou prepei na vreis tin swsth shra na to peraseis to CODE epeidh blockareis kapoio allo ama thes kati pes mou se pm na sou pw tote

ti ennoeis ? file oti update exeis kanei  i tem  tis l2jarchid  ekana update  des edw ti exoun fix  kai oti problima exeis mporeis na to kaneis post sto forum


an thelete na ginei kati add sto pack kante to post sto forum > www.l2jarchid.com


Koita file sory pou tha milisw etsi, pada filika, alla i archid tous grafei olous sta paparia tis.

ekana post ena command pou den douleve tipota. ena custom na valoune tpt! pfff...

kali team alla oso xrisimopeieis kati toso vriskeis kai perissotera elatomata..

Tespa kai na kanete post kati mono an einai para ma para polu sovaro tha to fix, gia bug milame twra

i gia prob enos NPC! thanx!


Koita file sory pou tha milisw etsi, pada filika, alla i archid tous grafei olous sta paparia tis.

ekana post ena command pou den douleve tipota. ena custom na valoune tpt! pfff...

kali team alla oso xrisimopeieis kati toso vriskeis kai perissotera elatomata..

Tespa kai na kanete post kati mono an einai para ma para polu sovaro tha to fix, gia bug milame twra

i gia prob enos NPC! thanx!



koita file gia ta npc  einai ta poio efkola na ta  fix to 8ema mesa sto pack tis  archid den exei polla bug  alla  ayta mporeis na ta fix kai esu ama katseis  na psa3ei kapoia pragmata..  ola ta klasika bug  ta exoun fix kai  ayta me to phx to 8ema einai na mporesoun na fix kapoia error pou exei o server.. kai ayta  pou den 3eroume emeis ti exoun kanei giati  apo oti exo psa3ei den einai  opos ola ta alla pack einai poly diaforetiko sto java pou exei  to l2jarchid opos mou edoses ena  java code gia na kano add sto pack ayto to simio den uparxei kai prepei na to ftia3o allios kai to 8ema einai oti kai na to ftia3o allios  allo erro  brisko kai  meta  prepei na ta ftia3o ola pou einai mesa  gi ayto  i l2jarchid tin last ver den tin exoun bgalei akoma  gi ayto prepei na perimenete kai to 8ema einai allo mporite na fix ta bug kai moni me  pollous allous tropos  ama den 3erete java


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