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Nobless female Shillien Saint 78 subs he and sph

1 billion adena

maj Light, dc Robe set

ic shield

TTS unsealed set

Nice nickname


dont have acc info (email), you can get the itens only if u want, but I wont scam it anyway.


Paypal accepted


Well as i see in this topic only the nobles se is worth  of buying because everything else is kinda shitty except 1 billion but i think that 1 billion doesn't mean anything at wrath anyways since you don't have an mail its too risky to buy.


Btw i do have a question : Do you demand money first for that acc?


1. If you dont have e-mail ... then remove the char from selling list because you can scamm

2. What is the name of char?


Well I dont have it really, but anyway you can put a karmian set and use as just buffer =x


Well as i see in this topic only the nobles se is worth  of buying because everything else is kinda shitty except 1 billion but i think that 1 billion doesn't mean anything at wrath anyways since you don't have an mail its too risky to buy.


Btw i do have a question : Do you demand money first for that acc?


I dont think u are interested on buying, so nvm


get a life

What makes you think that i don't have a life?


If you trying to insult me then think about better Fraze because "get a life" sounds lame because you are saying it to a person you don't know and by don't knowing  him you can't say "get a life" because you don't know what life he is living.

It's common sense  stupid!

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