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My New Signature..


Thats is my newest Signature i hope u like it.. Read first the full body!!  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Thats is my newest Signature i hope u like it.. Read first the full body!!

    • Awesome!!
    • Very Good
    • Good
    • Hmm.. Something in the middle
    • Bad
    • Sucks Like Hell!!!!
    • Hmm.. Lets see another topic.. ^^

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I am new on Gimp and i Just Learning.. my other signature with the boy it wasnt so good.. but

thats better.. i cant add effects(like fire or something that moving) because i havent learn how

to use on GIMP..


Good Voting!!



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The legs are like cut off,they're actually,the car?lOLwut a car is doing there? :O The font sux,background too too big render going out of signature ;] peace its still cool and you're newbie yet good luck in future

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Man GIMP is a shit compared with Photoshop!If you want to call yourself a GFX designer then you gotta learn how to use Photoshop and then some other useful programs as Adobe After Effects!

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well Gerero chill out!I'll ask you something.

Why don't you say this to the mods that double-post?

They just bumb!Even you have done it!

I know that you are a part of the staff but this does not change the fact that you are exactly the same ProJecT and everybody else.

Don't judge.I can judge like this too but you don't want me to do so!So stop it!

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Sig is nice, next time try not to cut her legs though, or just put the down part of the render in the background, to look better.

About the PS, check your pms in a while. And yes, if you want a LEGAL photoshop, you have to pay.

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Chick is cut on the legs - Kinda -beep-ing it all.

Car - Has nothing to do with the sig.


I dun like it cuz of these two points, sorry.


about 2nd. I think he placed there the car because Megan fox is one of the lead actors in Transformers movies.

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about 2nd. I think he placed there the car because Megan fox is one of the lead actors in Transformers movies.

thnx Pwnzer :) at least someone here is clever :D


oh and about Fox i was searching for 1 hour on internet but i could find anything..)

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