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SQL Database Injection


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Hey, I have been searching google, and maxcheaters forums for the past few days.


I am wanting to find out what kind of injecting it is to get into a lineage2 private server database. Do you do it the same way as you would with injecting into a website?


I would prefer to use dictionary brute-force, but I am not sure how to get to a way of logging in to the server. I used an SQLrecon scanner, and i found the server does use Remote access. So i know i can get in some how, i just dont know where to start. honestly, any help would be appreciated.


Thank you.

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You cant use SQL injection... If you dont know advanced techniques ( I doubt that you even know the basics... ) . It`s verry hard :) And Belive me ! Nobody will tell you ;) [ some will just give you programs ]

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