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interlude [Interlude L2J]L2DreaMGaMiNG , The ReBoRN ( BETA )


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i want to think you are kidding , am i right?

Why I'm kiddin'




i logged yesterday with my firend and we were the only ppls on ;/

"the community" doesn't exist ;/

are you sure ;p ?????

Yes Yesterday was the opening of The BETA...

and yes I'm sure with the regen..

The 1 thing that i most laughed at was in HomPage => Donate :



Donation are not accepted currently



Maybe in one year :)



And you think that server with 4 ppl online (gms+their chars) will stay alive 1 year??? :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

1 week i bet that will closed down.



GM'S don't have chars..

Yes this means that we will not have donate...NEVER..

I won't agree here for many motives. The rest looks cool. The new fashion of no customs hr interlude servers. Bleah

And the site mates it's lame work. I can make one for you pm me:)

Check your pm's


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**Updates** :

New Patch v2(Changes : New informing system and no need to change its name to system to play, more more...)

Tattoo status ( With boost when you ++ )




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Server is opened yesterday night!!I can't rent a .com domain if I haven't seen how the community has grown...

i wanted to log but with what you said you changed my mind...

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You cant connect because this "pro" staff have the offline home ip "" or smth, that is why we cant connect.

STOP Flaming Here you "pro"

Server is online and there are players online too!

Patch is been re-uploaded right now


Patch Fixed !! : http://rapidshare.com/files/277630874/L2DreaMGaminG_v2_NeW.rar

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