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The NPC.sql is correct; if I change it to a different class, like L2NPC, it'll spawn, but it just becomes a regular NPC, not the buffer.


And yeah, those lines are there.


Sorry for troubling you all with this problem... =/


I havent read the code...

i want toask, It heals your mana and HP every time you take the buffs?



Thanks for your answer, I download it...

Iread 3 times all the Java files and I cant find where it heals HP because I want to remove it)

Maybe I am Blind?

where it is?


That's what i did and I can say that you have donwa great job! But Just look::

if (currentCommand.startsWith("givebuffs"))
		String targettype = st.nextToken();
		String scheme_key = st.nextToken();
		int cost = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());

		if (cost == 0 || cost <= player.getInventory().getAdena()) 
			L2Character target = player;
			if (targettype.equalsIgnoreCase("pet"))
				target = player.getPet();

			else if (target != null)
				for (L2Skill sk : CharSchemesTable.getInstance().getScheme(player.getObjectId(), scheme_key))
					sk.getEffects(this, target);
				player.reduceAdena("NPC Buffer", cost, this, true);
				player.sendMessage("Incorrect Pet");
				// go to main menu
				NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(1);
				sendHtmlMessage(player, html);
			player.sendMessage("Not enough adena");
			showGiveBuffsWindow(player, targettype);



  • 3 weeks later...

can i ask something ? is there a way to make this buffer without the schemes ? just a window with htm buttons for buffs and non-closed window while clicking each buff.. ? i mean a core buffer without schemes ^^


thanks :)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

no work for me :(

and i dont know then what do with the .java files this i cannot apply patch it write me error. at the begin




check it out 2gshm39.jpg


no work for me :(

and i dont know then what do with the .java files this i cannot apply patch it write me error. at the begin




check it out 2gshm39.jpg


insert it by hand rofl...

  • 1 month later...
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