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interlude [Interlude - L2OFF] L2Metal


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[glow=red,2,300]=== L][ Metal===[/glow] First Week Rates 250x !!!!



Server Rates:


Rates: 75x 130x 130x


Enchant Rate: 70% with +3 safe for all, max +25


Karma Drop Rate: Same as Retail



Server Features


* @ Custom Npc Buffers - Giran - Goddard - Heine

* @ Custom Craft Shop - Giran

* @ C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/Interlude features and stats (all skills working)

* @ Custom GM Shop

* @ Custom GateKeepers - All Citys - Global GK

* @ Custom Adena

* @ Custom NPC Exchange - AA - Medals -

* @ Custom Weapons

* @ Custom NPC Warehouse

* @ Custom Armors

* @ Olympiad Working same as retail

* @ L2Off Server With Server protection - And Client Protection

* @ AutoLearn Skills


Special Features


* @ Anti hack and bot systems

* @ Many Farming Areas + Fishing Spots

* @ Custom Raid Boss Drops

* @ Archers have higher atack speed ! (1 skill/sec)

* @ Regeneration 100% (mana,cp,hp) !

* @ L2Off Server with latests updates, and no bugs

* @ Buffers - 2 Hours

* @ Custom AntiDebuff Skill


Other Features


L2Metal can confirm to you, You will don't have any lag

if you have doubt you can test it...

I can guarantee - Lag = 0


Its a PVP SERVER with no donation, Its a no Lag Server, Gms can help you by email or Ingame, We prefer help by email all emails will receive reply - Max 12 Hours.



Lets Rock!!!

WEBSITE:   www.l2metal.com


FORUM:      At Devolpment


CONTACT:   support@l2metal.com


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It's a nice l2off server . Those custom stuff are kinda balanced , no +20% M.atk stuff or retarted stuff only items that mainly increase P.def / Mdef . Donno about the enchant rate still i hope people won't run with +25 gear so they can 2 shot people around . Overall if you and your friends look for a server i belive it's nice . Tbh it dosen't matter where the server is hosted if the server itself is decent so ...

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It's a nice l2off server . Those custom stuff are kinda balanced , no +20% M.atk stuff or retarted stuff only items that mainly increase P.def / Mdef . Donno about the enchant rate still i hope people won't run with +25 gear so they can 2 shot people around . Overall if you and your friends look for a server i belive it's nice . Tbh it dosen't matter where the server is hosted if the server itself is decent so ...

its not where is hosted are you blind or smth? BR = LAME.

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br server... totally failed in my opnion, there was only a good br server (l2killer old!).

hi i can confirm to you u will don't find any other server with this quality ... and other... its no donator server


and other hotwheelz whats your nick in l2killer?

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HotWhelelzhi i can confirm to you u will don't find any other server with this quality ... and other... its no donator server


and other hotwheelz whats your nick in l2killer?


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The nationality dosen't matter mate , we all know very well that 99% of them don't speak english so you won't have any bussines with them . But if you have 2-3-10 friends that you play Lineage this is a nice server and you can pvp / pk them all time . Anyway i am no racist , my gamer and life experience told me that you don't need to judge people by nationality or looks so it's not out of the question that someday you may meet in-game or in real life some cool and nice dude from Brazil . But this thread is all about this server and not the owner ID . Not to mention that this is an l2off so the owner is no 12 year old retarted kiddo , you can find that on every l2j out there but with an l2off data base is harder . Still it will never hurt to try this server if you are looking for one because if you don't look for a server you are just a flamer and nothing more . /peace

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ViolenT0 that got ban last week ? :/

what ban? what i know is that some1 stole my char... i ask about 2 weeks help to kadugi or smth and he didnt do nothing! Are you l2killer admin? Well if you are, i just wanna say thx, for nothing...

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