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Its not a big thing.. But before you read this PLEASE note that this is based on PvP Hero Shine system shared here by VaGo and made by some user in l2jforums.Its not all mine!

So what this mod does.. Is when the player reaches X kills without dying ,he gets an custom item/skill (that you choose what to be) and makes him a special effect ID 16 (like you just went from a normal player to a hero ^^) ,and it also announces : "Player X killed Y victims in a row!He is a survivor now!" when he gets the survivor ,and it also announces when he looses it : "Player X died and he lost his survivor mode.".Its not a big thing ,i say it again ,but i learn alot by these shares i make :)




Find this :

private boolean _hero = false;

Make a new line and insert this

   /** Survivor Mod Value */
  private int SurvivorKills = 0;


Find this

 setPvpKills(getPvpKills() + 1);


Make a new line and insert this


     // Remove it if he dies..
     SurvivorKills = 0;
              //this.getPlayer().removeSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId, skillLvl), false);
              Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Player "+target.getName()" died and lost his survivor mode from "+this.getName()+");
              sendMessage("You was so close to the victory..Next time!");
              sendPacket(new UserInfo(this));


Find this (around line 5000-5100~)


 reviveRequest(this, null, false);


Make a new line and insert below it


     // Set him a survivor if he meets the conditions

	                // If SurvivorKills > 4 (5+ kills) give him the survivor thingie ;d
	                if(SurvivorKills > 4)
              broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(getObjectId(), 16));
		//addItem("Loot", ITEM ID, ITEM COUNT, this, true);
	                    //addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(SKILLID, SKILL LVL));
              Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Player "+this.getName()+" killed 5 victims in a row!Now he's a survivor!");
                                   sendMessage("You are a survivor now!Go kill more n00bz.");



This WILL NOT give ANYTHING till you set it up properly.

How to set it up?

You will see in my last code the following lines :

			//addItem("Loot", ITEM ID, ITEM COUNT, this, true);
	                    //addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(SKILLID, SKILL LVL));

the " // " before them means its DISABLED.If you wish to enable it ,you have to set it up like :

addItem("Loot", 57, 1, this, true); - 57 is the id (in my case Adena) and the 1 is amount (in my case it gives 1 Adena).

if you want to use the skill method you have to set it up like :

addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(211, 1)); - 211 is the ID of the skill (in my case Boost HP) and 1 is the level of the skill (in my case it gives Boost HP 1lv skill)


To remove the skill when it dies ,find this

//removeSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId, skillLvl), false);

Remove the // before it AND replace the ID and level of the skill.I`m tired ,going to sleep ,tomorrow i`ll make it configurable and much easyer to use and edit.


Credits to : Me , l2jforum (for the hero shine mod that i highly modificated) and VaGo who shared it here.

P.S. I just c/p'ed it in eclipse and tried to compile ,it worked well ,but it needs ingame test.Whoever wants can test it ;)


does it have protection like if a player kills someone with the same ip the kill doesn't count. :D BTW this is awesome! i will test it and come with feedback! peace


i tryed to add it but i get some errors...

Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Player "+this.getName()+" killed 5 victims in a row!Now he's a survivor!");

Announcements cannot be solved.

activeChar.getObjectId(), 16));

activeChar cannot be solved.

Maybe i did smthing wrong idk. This is the first time i try to compile smth in eclipse.

can you tell me how can i solv that?


Well as you said is nothing special but it's a really nice mode

good joob leeroy i like it ;)

Agree you did nice jod there , keep up learning java mate.


Its nothing rly special ,but i learned how to use socialactions by this share and the announce methods.. ;) I make shares so i can learn more by them ,it highly boosts up my knowledge :]


Hey .. nice share thx. But i have a problem, it's that i implemented but when i kill on pvp it doesnt give me the item and skill (goldbar and super haste). It gives me the item and skill when i die, from mob or pvp.


Can anyone help me? :O

  • 4 weeks later...

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