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[HELP]cannot change mob's title



hi all i am new here,i cannot change the title's of mobs.for example i want to make a lvl up area with mobs..the mobs i want to have title L][Graven..i try it with shift+click nothing,i try it from database nothing changed..what can i do plz??

6 answers to this question

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I'm not sure but i think characters like ][ etc aren't supported in titles ingame (i mean if u try to edit it ingame). Im not sure cuz i always do it through database


In database, after you have changed the title of the npc u want, next to the title have u set the column serversidetitle(or w/e) from 0 to 1? If you dont set that too, even if u have written other title it will still show the default title it had before.


If u need extra help with it, PM me with your msn and i'll help you out.


Edit: Oops xXSkillerXx was faster to reply ^^, Well the offer for help still stands, if u can't figure it out :)

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thnx but i see the level too..can i change it?


All of these u can change it from .properties file to altsettings properties Mob's Level:True u must change it to false and wuolah! you are ready.


P.S.:After changes u must restart server.

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