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[Share] Mangos 3.1.3 Epic Vendors


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Easy to use/manage vendors on GM Island for 3.1.3.


It works with the latest Mangos core (2009-06-26) and UDB.

(I used with this one: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=74292.0 )


Here is the list of vendors that it creates:

900007 - T8 Cloth armor

900008 - T8 Leather armor

900009 - T8 Mail armor

900010 - T8 Plate armor

900011 - T8.5 Cloth armor

900012 - T8.5 Leather armor

900013 - T8.5 Mail armor

900014 - T8.5 Plate armor

900015 - 226+ Axe Weapons

900016 - 226+ Bow Weapons

900017 - 226+ Crossbow Weapons

900018 - 226+ Dagger Weapons

900019 - 226+ Fist+Weapon Weapons

900020 - 226+ Gun Weapons

900021 - 226+ Mace Weapons

900022 - 226+ Polearm Weapons

900023 - 226+ Staff Weapons

900024 - 226+ Sword Weapons

900025 - 226+ Thrown Weapons

900026 - 226+ Wand Weapons

900028 - 226+ Back armor

900029 - 226+ Chest armor

900030 - 226+ Feet armor

900031 - 226+ Finger armor

900032 - 226+ Hands armor

900033 - 226+ Head armor

900034 - 226+ Held+In+Off-hand armor

900035 - 226+ Legs armor

900036 - 226+ Neck armor

900037 - 226+ Off+Hand armor

900038 - 226+ Shirt armor

900039 - 226+ Shoulder armor

900040 - 226+ Tabard armor

900041 - 226+ Trinket armor

900042 - 226+ Waist armor

900043 - 226+ Wrist armor

900045 - Blue gems

900046 - Meta gems

900047 - Red gems

900048 - Yellow gems

900049 - 226+ shields

900050 - Mage glyphs

900051 - Hunter glyphs

900052 - Paladin glyphs

900053 - Death glyphs

900054 - Shaman glyphs

900055 - Priest glyphs

900056 - Druid glyphs

900057 - Warlock glyphs

900058 - totems

900059 - sigils

900060 - librams

900061 - idols


In the download zip is also a second sql file to autospawn these vendors on gmisland.



Also works with:






(included SQL files for those emu's)










Note: included readme file that helps how to install it.

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