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[Guide]How to find a good server.

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yea i agree with you...



my GM/ADmin NAme is   bubulina


and in my sig i have Dev Moderator..(here i am not agree with you cuz i take this sig from the dev-spot) and i am dev from manny server's



i was HGM -> l2sillence( 25x  1year wass up)

i was HGM in l2phoenix ( 1 year also)


and i like my sig :))) so comon...and i have 21 i am not so kid xD


but nvm  nice Guide

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totally agree with every single word that Flower said but he/she forgot to mention that u should look the donation list too before u join. (example: if there is farmable donations, skills, etc) The donation list have a verry important role too in my opinion.

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bulshit.... :)

only when u log in server and play 1-2 day u can understand server is good or not

becouse server have good web page but class balance -0000000 wtf server suck...


for example


ye ye i like l2excavate in 2place in hopezone 200+ online but no class balance

bishop with full buffs 1100 casting

spellhower with full buff 1500 casting

spellsinger with full buff 1300 casting

fight class vs mage  win 100% fighter

mate i'm sorry but you totally fail, elfs are known because of his quickness and low/mid m.atack or low/mid p.atack. :/
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hey many people use !@$#%$&^*%*_{}[]

so they are different from the normal players!!

Maybe a GM have a name like this: Animus

and someone make a name Animys and scam or something!

So it's better to make the difference like =Animus= or *Animus* or Animus* or something

not something too long like =[DEV]Animus*[i_Love_YOU]=


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