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[Help]in some DataBase



i use this PACK : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=69662.0

and when i come to edit the price sell in Donat Shop and GM Shop i dont found it in Multisell


can some1 help me and tell me where can i Edit the Price sell? i dont found


plz some1 help me


thank u have a good day

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9 answers to this question

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Maybe these shops doesn't work with multisell but with merchant buylists.


Check the table merchant_buylists in your database.

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i tryed but not ... i saw in shop need 3 things for buy 1 thing and i dont found how to edit it :S


So there must be a multisell file in your data/multisell.


Check again the file with the id of shop in data/html/merchant.


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91001.xml= Vesper weapon

91000.xml= vesper armor

91005.xml= Icaurus weapon

91007.xml= Dual dagger

91004.xml= special armor

91002.xml = Special Jewl

91006.xml = special Wing

91003.xml = Bless enchant


Good luck

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90000.xml = S grade armor

90001.xml = A grade armor

90002.xml = B grade armor

90003.xml = C grade armor

90004.xml = D grade armor

90029.xml = S80 grade armor



90012.xml = S grade weapon

90013.xml = A grade weapon

90014.xml = B grade weapon

90015.xml = C grade weapon

90016.xml = D grade weapon

90028.xml = S80 grade weapon




90011 = S grade Jewl

90010 = A grade Jewl

90009 = B grade Jewl

90008 = C grade Jewl

90007 = D grade Jewl




90018 = Soulshot

90019= Scrolls









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