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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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if u got a " reason " then yes :x


Well, you pk me at a goddard siege (same clan) with an active auraflare agument that you had on a +12 (yhea i've good memory)


soo... D:

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xaxaxa i was the best soultaker on server still love ya


you asked me to give you my nobless points ;o


Btw the best st was Derango (cos he bugged) then HaLL (he bugged too) DJxarmaniss (that was friend of admin) then me (that use bugs too D:)

Then you, etc etc

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xaxaxaxa i pvped all of them and i won them all ask Hall he may remember


My Equip : Tallum or Dc set +29 , valakas+16,antharas+16,earing +29 , ring +29,baium +16,

Aug : Aura Flare , Magic Barrier , Wild Magic 



                              Da Best Soultaker

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