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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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Its in arabh, it means Grisom Is Big


Read this:




B4 the soldier went mad and kill every one, he said "Allah u akbar" god is big.

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Its in arabh, it means Grisom Is Big


Read this:




B4 the soldier went mad and kill every one, he said "Allah u akbar" god is big.


Tell me something:

What's the point of reading these useless stuff, that will not have any use in your life?

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Leechers pwnt.




The reported host and user account have been suspended. Thank you

for the assistance in this matter.


Best Regards,





ExTrEmEDwarf wrote:

> Name: ExTrEmEDwarf

> Email: --

> IP: --


> Dear freehostia. http://makeyourdream.org/index.php considers as a warez forum and i can see its strictly to avoid them. Also, they leech things from other servers and i hate that. I hope that u will take place on this, and give them a warn or something.


> Thanks for your time and patience.


well now, http://makeyourdream.org/index.php is deleted.


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Well, lemme finish my 325 pages book, then finish the other one that is 1500+ pages and then i'll be able to make such programs.


Pff what makes you think that you will learn C++ by e-books?

If you don't learn them from university or by yourself, via experiences, you will always have empty spaces.


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Well, lemme finish my 325 pages book, then finish the other one that is 1500+ pages and then i'll be able to make such programs.


You dont need to make a program to take down a site lol

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Pff what makes you think that you will learn C++ by e-books?

If you don't learn them from university or by yourself, via experiences, you will always have empty spaces.


i have done up to 30 pages and i made 3 simple programs already ಠ_ಠ


You dont need to make a program to take down a site lol


Gimme more info's.


Im learning C++ anyway.

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i have done up to 30 pages and i made 3 simple programs already ಠ_ಠ


Gimme more info's.


Im learning C++ anyway.


Inject their db and destroy everything.

Or add images of Red Roses (But if you do so, you will steal my style ಠ_ಠ )

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