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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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why dont you let me njoy the internetz :(




You can but as Michael G. Conner, Psy.Doctor says http://www.crisiscounseling.com/articles/internetaddiction.htm


There are much cautions :$

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I lol'd


"Do you want to see a picture of a naked man?" Of course not!!


"Do you want to see a picture of young boy having sex with an older woman?" Not on your life!!!


"Have you have had sex with someone that you have not had sex with in person?" How is that possible?
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lol haha i actually had sex with a girl older then me by far, she was like 27 XD and i was 18 lol XD fun fun fun XD


Anyway.. Mornin guys XD

Guess all u dummys are at school... >.>

































































































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lol haha i actually had sex with a girl older then me by far, she was like 27 XD and i was 18 lol XD fun fun fun XD

37 here.

MILF fan.

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i was in montenegro with some friends. we went in a strip club.

then after drinking a lot we went to fuck any girl there. a guy from club followed us to a big room.

From there came like 20-30 naked girls. And everybody from us had to choose one from them.

from all girls my eyes went to 1 ebony one and 1 mommy one.

Since i am sexually oriented to big breast i choosed the mommy. She was 37 but she looked like 27. Even my friends liked her.

having sex with a girl bigger then you in age by money i think is nothing special.

Having sex with a girl bigger then you in age caused by fate/case hell yeah is a wonderful adventure.

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