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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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lol guys, if Ave sees it his gonna call Blizzard too not only ncsoft :P


hahaha, well im afraid that nazi word spreader is banned.. maybe wasnt nazi enough for this forum, im not sure grisoms the wannabe, ask him.. ^^

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im not sure why.. but you know how it is on mxc.. one day youre banned, the next you clean cookies.. and all have 15accs so mxc can have 50k users..

so i guess you are just another 1 banned.
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so i guess you are just another 1 banned.


not rlly... i mean sure im banned for saying "if grisom thinks hard enough ill get a ban".. but then i only use the forum for spam and log to comment few friends sigs ^^


no one cares rlly.. maxtor is just lucky more angry/banned child nabs dont run flood programs, since it takes only 1 for this forum to stay off.. =/

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I'm happy because carnival approaches!


Imagine to see GrisoM dancing with some brazilian chicks :(

Lucky tard..


and we return to inactivity


no way!




yaw all!

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