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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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The point is that you and brzoza abused of that thread and spammed 20 pages (for post count) and i had to delete them & I WONT DO THAT AGAIN.


So, next time, just read the rules ^^


i didn't abuse... so i am asking again , what the point to post funny videos instead of music ? i could post only funny or something else for gain post ...


EDIT; i saw maxtor quote on 1st page ... kkthanks.

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i must spam now? ok


dkaskdskadksakdk lol 00a0x0a0x0a0x0a0 lo lo lo lo l oooooooooooooollolololololololol show me loveeeeeeeeeeeee lol you g@Y?no but i will be 1 day its my dream. looooooooooooooooool 0X0A0XA0X0A0X0A0X0AX0 0X0A IM NOOB 0X0A0XA0X0A0X0.its ok? xd..

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