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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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DarkSlayer knows the whole story..I have a pic of our conversation too..


Can you prove that he's your brother? as much as i care, this is the rule that must be applied:



Lets see what maxtor do about this.

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BAN HOLYSMOKE!!!! xaxaxaxa


Do you think i'm joking? i've banned over 20 donors till now, i dont have any problem adding more light blue names in my list.

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Can you prove that he's your brother? as much as i care, this is the rule that must be applied:



Lets see what maxtor do about this.

What relation has this to do with StrungOut?

Listen.In my network(LAN) we have 3 computers..So my brother loged in from his computer with his acc..His acc called STrungOut or whatever..I didn't share my acc..

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