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[HELP] me to radio (shoutcast)


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Exo ftiaksei enan stathmo pano sto winamp kai otan vazo kapoio tragoudi na paiksei eno litourgoun ola kanonika meta apo ligo ston server emfanizete afto


[yp_add] yp.shoutcast.com gave extended error (Cannot see your station/computer (IP: from the Internet, disable Internet Sharing/NAT/firewall/ISP cache (Connection timed out).)


ti na kano?apenergopoiisa to firewall omos akoma mou petaei afto to minima...kserei kaneis pos mporo na to ftiakso?


EDIT: entaksei vrika ti lathos eixa kanei please kapoios moderator na to kanei lock/delete oti thelei :P

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