ManiacKiller13 Posted July 31, 2009 Posted July 31, 2009 Ok Guys... Exw Balei Kapoies Armor Alla Exw 1Prob... Stis Armor Panw Grafei Remaining Mana 90/90 Auto Siga Siga Katebainei Kai Ftanei Sto 0.. Otan Ftasei Sto 0 Tote I Armor E3fanizete..Ti Prepei Na Kanw Gia Na To Apofugw Auto? Quote
0 ChaOtiC* Posted July 31, 2009 Posted July 31, 2009 Hmmm αν δεν κάνω λάθος αυτό το ρυθμίζεις απο τα .xml αρχεία των armor... Από: C:\server\gameserver\data\stats\armor Βρές τα .xml αρχεία των armor και κάντα paste εδώ, για να σου πω τι να αλλάξεις, γιατί δεν τα θυμάμε απέξω άμα δεν τα δώ... Quote
0 ManiacKiller13 Posted July 31, 2009 Author Posted July 31, 2009 Miso Min Na Ta Brw Kai S Ta Kanw C/P edw Me Edit... Edit: [table][tr][td]<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <list> <item id='9513' name="Titanium Helm"> <for> <add val='95' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/> </for> </item> <item id='9514' name="Heavy Titanium Armor"> <for> <add val='400' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/> <add val='3' order='0x40' stat='CON'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6"/> <using slotitem="9515;9"/> <using slotitem="9516;12"/> </and> </add> <add val='1000' order='0x40' stat='maxHp'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6"/> <using slotitem="9515;9"/> <using slotitem="9516;12"/> </and> </add> <mul val='1.06' order='0x50' stat='pAtkSpd'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6"/> <using slotitem="9515;9"/> <using slotitem="9516;12"/> </and> </mul> <mul val='1.06' order='0x40' stat='pAtk'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6"/> <using slotitem="9515;9"/> <using slotitem="9516;12"/> </and> </mul> <mul val='1.15' order='0x50' stat='pDef'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6"/> <using slotitem="9515;9"/> <using slotitem="9516;12"/> </and> </mul> <mul val='1.15' order='0x50' stat='mDef'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6"/> <using slotitem="9515;9"/> <using slotitem="9516;12"/> </and> </mul> <mul val='1.05' order='0x30' stat='regMp'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6;6"/> <using slotitem="9515;9;6"/> <using slotitem="9516;12;6"/> </and> </mul> <mul val='1.05' order='0x30' stat='pDef'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6;6"/> <using slotitem="9515;9;6"/> <using slotitem="9516;12;6"/> </and> </mul> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/> </for> </item> <item id='9515' name="Heavy Titanium Gloves"> <for> <add val='75' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/> </for> </item> <item id='9516' name="Heavy Titanium Boots"> <for> <add val='75' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/> </for> </item> <item id='9517' name="Light Titanium Mail"> <for> <add val='325' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/> <add val='3' order='0x40' stat='DEX'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6"/> <using slotitem="9518;9"/> <using slotitem="9519;12"/> </and> </add> <add val='500' order='0x40' stat='maxHp'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6"/> <using slotitem="9518;9"/> <using slotitem="9519;12"/> </and> </add> <add val='500' order='0x40' stat='maxMp'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6"/> <using slotitem="9518;9"/> <using slotitem="9519;12"/> </and> </add> <mul val='1.08' order='0x50' stat='pAtkSpd'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6"/> <using slotitem="9518;9"/> <using slotitem="9519;12"/> </and> </mul> <mul val='1.08' order='0x40' stat='pAtk'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6"/> <using slotitem="9518;9"/> <using slotitem="9519;12"/> </and> </mul> <mul val='1.12' order='0x50' stat='pDef'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6"/> <using slotitem="9518;9"/> <using slotitem="9519;12"/> </and> </mul> <mul val='1.12' order='0x50' stat='mDef'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6"/> <using slotitem="9518;9"/> <using slotitem="9519;12"/> </and> </mul> <add val='10' order='0x40' stat='rEvas'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6;6"/> <using slotitem="9518;9;6"/> <using slotitem="9519;12;6"/> </and> </add> <mul val='1.05' order='0x50' stat='mDef'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6;6"/> <using slotitem="9518;9;6"/> <using slotitem="9519;12;6"/> </and> </mul> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/> </for> </item> <item id='9518' name="Light Titanium Gauntlets"> <for> <add val='65' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/> </for> </item> <item id='9519' name="Light Titanium Boots"> <for> <add val='65' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/> </for> </item> <item id='9520' name="Mesh Titanium Tunic"> <for> <add val='170' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/> <add val='3' order='0x40' stat='WIT'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6"/> <using slotitem="9521;9"/> <using slotitem="9522;12"/> </and> </add> <add val='1000' order='0x40' stat='maxMp'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6"/> <using slotitem="9521;9"/> <using slotitem="9522;12"/> </and> </add> <mul val='1.15' order='0x50' stat='mAtkSpd'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6"/> <using slotitem="9521;9"/> <using slotitem="9522;12"/> </and> </mul> <mul val='1.10' order='0x40' stat='mAtk'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6"/> <using slotitem="9521;9"/> <using slotitem="9522;12"/> </and> </mul> <mul val='1.10' order='0x50' stat='pDef'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6"/> <using slotitem="9521;9"/> <using slotitem="9522;12"/> </and> </mul> <mul val='1.10' order='0x50' stat='mDef'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6"/> <using slotitem="9521;9"/> <using slotitem="9522;12"/> </and> </mul> <mul val='1.02' order='0x50' stat='pDef'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6;6"/> <using slotitem="9521;9;6"/> <using slotitem="9522;12;6"/> </and> </mul> <add val='1500' order='0x40' stat='maxLoad'> <and> <using slotitem="9513;6;6"/> <using slotitem="9521;9;6"/> <using slotitem="9522;12;6"/> </and> </add> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/> </for> </item> <item id='9521' name="Mesh Titanium Gauntlets"> <for> <add val='55' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/> <add val='25' order='0x40' stat='maxMp'/> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/> </for> </item> <item id='9522' name="Mesh Titanium Shoes"> <for> <add val='55' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/> <add val='25' order='0x40' stat='maxMp'/> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/> </for> </item> </list>[/table] Quote
0 Commodus Posted July 31, 2009 Posted July 31, 2009 Den eine auto. Maniac anikse tin database sou kai pigene sto table ''armor''. Bres ta id ton armors kai pigene ligo deksia etc oste na breis tin bara ''duration''. Alakse to 90 pou tha sou exei se -1 kai eise ok! Quote
0 ManiacKiller13 Posted July 31, 2009 Author Posted July 31, 2009 Ok Egw Piga Alla Dn Tn Exei Stis Armor....Kai Otan Tn Grafw Sto Find Dn M Tn Bgazei... Enw Mesa Stn Server Uparxei Quote
0 Crash™ Posted August 4, 2009 Posted August 4, 2009 Ok Egw Piga Alla Dn Tn Exei Stis Armor....Kai Otan Tn Grafw Sto Find Dn M Tn Bgazei... Enw Mesa Stn Server Uparxei auto einai epeidh sto navicat eisai stin proti selida me ta armor :) pigene katw katw exei kati belakia...pigene stin teleutea selida[ekei einai gia ta custom armor(sinithos)] kai kane auto p s eipe o Commodus Quote
Ok Guys...
Exw Balei Kapoies Armor Alla Exw 1Prob...
Stis Armor Panw Grafei Remaining Mana 90/90
Auto Siga Siga Katebainei Kai Ftanei Sto 0..
Otan Ftasei Sto 0 Tote I Armor E3fanizete..Ti Prepei Na Kanw Gia Na To Apofugw Auto?
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