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Safe Enchant +13 98.99%

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well when random was first time calculated was something like "day+year+hour+ln x / pi" and like this were calculated random numbers. I wonder how l2 calculate a random number.

I am pretty sure how they use rather complicated formulas but the result is allways between 1-100. and if the result number is 1-66 then your enchant succed, if the result is 67-100 your wep brokes.


So I though "I just find how l2 calculate random numbers, predict when this random will give arround 1-66 and in that precisse second l2w to enchant my wep lets say". Aint a good idea?


but maybe in l2 there are 60% chances to succed. This means if the result is 1 2 5 6 8 9 your weapon will enchant, if the result is 3 4 7 and 10 your weapon will broke. Thats why I really want to know how random is calculated in l2.


I hope you understand what I wrote please ask me and I will try to elaborate more.

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well when random was first time calculated was something like "day+year+hour+ln x / pi" and like this were calculated random numbers. I wonder how l2 calculate a random number.

I am pretty sure how they use rather complicated formulas but the result is allways between 1-100. and if the result number is 1-66 then your enchant succed, if the result is 67-100 your wep brokes.


So I though "I just find how l2 calculate random numbers, predict when this random will give arround 1-66 and in that precisse second l2w to enchant my wep lets say". Aint a good idea?


but maybe in l2 there are 60% chances to succed. This means if the result is 1 2 5 6 8 9 your weapon will enchant, if the result is 3 4 7 and 10 your weapon will broke. Thats why I really want to know how random is calculated in l2.


I hope you understand what I wrote please ask me and I will try to elaborate more.


Huh?? i dont understood ><

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Well if the formula only used date/time for variables, it wouldn't really be random, you could just send 10 packets in 1 second and it would be 100% success...  or not? There are just so many ways to make a random number...


I mean, it can be date/time based, no problem, but enchanting once in a day won't give you better chances of success.. I don't believe in that. The only way to find out how it's calculated is taking a look at the source code, it's hard to tell what they used to generate random numbers... only then I believe there could be a way to attempt to know what's coming next, which could just not be possible. That's why I think it's all about luck, doesn't make sense running in a walkpath, dancing, hoping 3 times and enchanting...

But that's on the rational thoughts. If this exploit really works, then it's magical :P

I tried on a Crystallized Ice Bow, now it's really crystallized... C crystals, yay. +4 to +5.

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well when random was first time calculated was something like "day+year+hour+ln x / pi" and like this were calculated random numbers. I wonder how l2 calculate a random number.

I am pretty sure how they use rather complicated formulas but the result is allways between 1-100. and if the result number is 1-66 then your enchant succed, if the result is 67-100 your wep brokes.


So I though "I just find how l2 calculate random numbers, predict when this random will give arround 1-66 and in that precisse second l2w to enchant my wep lets say". Aint a good idea?


but maybe in l2 there are 60% chances to succed. This means if the result is 1 2 5 6 8 9 your weapon will enchant, if the result is 3 4 7 and 10 your weapon will broke. Thats why I really want to know how random is calculated in l2.


I hope you understand what I wrote please ask me and I will try to elaborate more.

it will be nice if we know what parameters use "random function" but i think we can't have this parameters.

mostly random function use some time for parameter

for example if this parameter will be ...... time between open the enchant scroll... time we have in milliseconds, so we can write script click on echante, w8 constant time - after this time we have succesfully enchant, and enchant... for now all is simple, but ..... what about ping between ur computer and server? 0_o

so if this random function have time in parameters we can't use it :((

or maybe my thinking is wrong ;p




sorry for mistake's in english ;/

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bonesaw and look thanks for your answears, i am glad u responded.


well bonesaw you`re right about the part is hard to predict the random but since is not trully random and it is calculated by computer u can calculate it if u know what variable he use.right ?

for example http://www.random.org/integers/?num=1&min=1&max=100&col=5&base=10&format=html&rnd=new I tried this on the site u gave me. random number between 1 and 100. the result was 32 so if I tried to enchant my weapon would succesful encahnt ^^


and you are right , people who know enough c++ should look into source code to see what is way random is calculated in l2.




look, even if u have lag after lag passes away server corrects your position etc. if u have lag people see you coming and go and the place u in the right possition right? the same with this enchant system i am talking about.

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there is no enchant bug or w/e  ;)

its not a bug, but on dragon-network its better to enchant when U are walking or running - i spent about 500 ewc to test it (and make homu+12 and xx homu +7;)

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