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[Guide]Dagger classes

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''Dude.. Daggers don't need HUNTER .. its for critical rate....''


OMG since when daggers don't need critical rate? so what do they need if not criticals, they are daggers their whole class depends on critical.


btw. I didn't say anywhere in my post that u r noob.

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This is usefull :D

that comment, was not very usefull.

Ask here do they need crt rate :) And do u even know that blows have they'r own crit rate system? Guess not.Go learn dagg class ,please..

sometimes when i buffed up some dagger, they asked me to not give hunter.

So it will deppends on players choise.

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found on interlol

watter = +cast speed/m attack/mage crit rate/mp regen/m def - run speed

cov = + p attack/+cast speed/+crit power/mage crit rate (unconfirmed)/+hp/+m def /+ p def +att speed/+m attack?(not sure tho) - run speed

fire = no info on that but propably same stuff as cov

wind = + crit from behind + att speed

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Dagger vs OverLord : No big chances ,same as tank.


My ass , you don't need the guide here's the answer!



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yeah lol, posting a video from AAO from Dex -.-

and btw never forget that a good ol can pwn a ghost hunter

and you know... in the other team i dont see a BD/SWS like AAO has. Ok gf

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AAO or not a good GH can easily pwn any class except tanks and gladis thats the only 2 classes a good GH can find difficulties in winning vs. Pwning an OL is not impossible the chance is even bigger than you think tho if you think you're that pro to say gf without fighting with me find me a start+pvp server and let me duel you once im with a GH you can be whatever class you want to be.

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GZ AAO by killing 5 lolbuffed chars.

we are not talking about AAO, and about what he has done.


AAO or not a good GH can easily pwn any class except tanks and gladis thats the only 2 classes a good GH can find difficulties in winning vs. Pwning an OL is not impossible the chance is even bigger than you think tho if you think you're that pro to say gf without fighting with me find me a start+pvp server and let me duel you once im with a GH you can be whatever class you want to be.

and yeah it's true, but i guess a pro OL can pwn GH easily.

Dreaming Spirit/ Seal of binding (same as the arrest) and the dagger is down.

Ofcourse with proper buffs, or even with selfbuffs... bu nevermind

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I give a thx to every1 who writes a guide. but I have some critics too


on retail you cant add mage dyes so


+5 con -5str

+4 dex -4str



I am a tyrant player and I dont have problems with daggers, they dye before they make a skill.


and maybe the "bluff, spamm blows, spamm cp" part sounds funny but it's right, it's exactly what you have to do. So daggers are no interesting and difficult classes.

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