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[l2phx] something associated with chat

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It a chat via phx


Chat.txt from phx 320




1. A separate chat window.

2. "Avtospam: one line every X seconds

3. Long text: sending multiline messages

4. Log chat.


own script:

    MaxMessages = 1000;
 m: TMemo;
 penel: TPanel;
 etext:  tedit;
 button: tbutton;
 box   : TCheckBox;
 every : TEdit;
 _Name : TEdit;
 i: Integer;
 Message, Name: String;

procedure SendMs(Sender: TObject);
 Msg, Nm: String;
 dd: integer;
 if etext.text<>'' then begin
   case etext.text[1] of
     '!': begin
     '$': begin
     '+': begin
     '"': begin
       dd:=pos(' ', etext.text);
     '#': begin
     '@': begin
     else begin
   if nm<>'' then WriteS(Nm);
procedure onNewCommand(obj:TObject;key:string);
var i:integer;
var symbol:Variant;
var after:string;
    if (key[1]=#$0D) then begin
        symbol := etext.Text[1];
        after := '';
        if symbol = '#' then after := '#';
        if symbol = '!' then after := '!';
        if symbol = '@' then after := '@';
        if symbol = '$' then after := '$';
        etext.Text := after;
procedure onTimer(Sender:TObject);
 tm.Interval := StrToInt(every.Text);
 if box.checked = true then SendMs(Sender);
procedure Init;
 frm := TForm.Create(nil);
 frm.Caption := 'Chat';
 frm.BorderStyle := bsSizeable;
 frm.Position := poDesigned ;
 button.top := etext.height;
 box := TCheckBox.Create(penel);
 box.parent := penel;
 box.Top := etext.height + 2;
 box.Left := button.width + button.left +2;
 box.Caption := 'Shtorm via: ';
 every.Left := box.Left + box.Width;
 every.Top := button.top;
 every.Text := IntToStr(3000);
 tm := TTimer.Create(frm);
 tm.Interval := 1000;
 tm.Enabled := true;
 tm.OnTimer := @OnTimer;
 etext.OnKeyPress := @onNewCommand;
 _Name.align := alTop;
 _Name.Text := '';

procedure SaveToFile(prefix:string);
var name:string;
    name := prefix+'.'+ConnectName+'.'+DateToStr(Date)+'.'+TimeToStr(Time)+'.txt';
    while Pos(':',name) <> 0 do begin
          name[Pos(':',name)] := '-';

procedure Free;

var tp:integer;
var ct:string;
var MessageCounter:integer;
if _Name.Text = '' then _Name.Text := ConnectName;
if FromServer and (ConnectName = _Name.Text) and (pck[1]=#$4a) then
   tp := ReadD(6);
   ct := '???';
   if tp = 0 then ct := 'GNR';
   if tp = 8 then ct := 'TRD';
   if tp = 3 then ct := 'PRT';
   if tp = 4 then ct := 'CLN';
   if tp = 9 then ct := 'ALY';

   ct := DateToStr(Date) + ' '+ TimeToStr(Time) + ', '+ ct;

   if name='' then name:='pronouncing: ';
   m.Lines.Add('['+ct+'] '+Name+': '+message);

   if MessageCounter > MaxMessages then begin
      MessageCounter := 0;
   MessageCounter := MessageCounter+1;

enjoy ;)


P.s. Work only on c4-interlude.

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Tried with C4 client works fine but unfortunately doesn't work with L2 Gracia  :-X


Nice share anyway, thanks!

in the end i wrote :

P.s. Work only on c4-interlude.


Noone playing c4 anymore but good share.Hide it

i think 100 posts enought? :)

P.s. In interlude work too...

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It's for spamming purpsoses or what?

If yes, maybe the server has protection which doesn't allow u to speak so fast.

Anyway, thanks.

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It's for spamming purpsoses or what?

If yes, maybe the server has protection which doesn't allow u to speak so fast.

Anyway, thanks.


In some L2J server this works, but is a waste of time ;P


Any way, ty for sharing.

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It's for spamming purpsoses or what?

If yes, maybe the server has protection which doesn't allow u to speak so fast.

Anyway, thanks.

yes. But if ur server has protection, you can change in script time between repeats.

In some L2J server this works, but is a waste of time ;P

i dont think so. Anyway it works on most servers(c4-interlude) where works l2phx...

Such a server, I would not call a waste of time, since such servers are many and among them there is a decent where online > 2k ;P

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lol interesting thing..I have never heard for this.. nice m8 for your gr8 move to share it with us and I am going to try it for the results!  8) [i will edit the results as soon as I test it w8 10 mins]

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