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Need some tips !

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So i am starting to play with Shillien Templar high rates server GRACIA final all skills, buffs, everything and what skill bar should look like ? how to play with it in oly and PVP? witch skills to use firs and so on .... :P Waiting for replys :)

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Skillbar is impossible too say, it all depends on personal prefrences. As for skills it also depends, always try to hex your enemy. If hes running use freezing strike to slow him down, hate to bring him to you. Try to shield bash to interupt his skills if they are long casts. You can also sting him. When whoever you are fighting have gotten you hp down a bit use touch of death, oh and ofcorse whenever lightning strike is avalible.... use it.

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For pvp put cp pots under one of F1-F10 for easy spamming. I always using ofensive skills of any char I'm playing under first F, like from F2 lets say to F6. Try to do some macros too, they r very usefull sometimes and locate them on the skillbar aswell. But You have to find Your own way with this becouse this is the best way. I hope I could help a litlle ;D

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