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interlude [Interlude L2-Off] L2-Ezakiel PvP Server with PVP Award System


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Hmm i cant log in:( when i try to launch launcher ive got messege "Current run directory to be wrong, autoupdate system has been suspended", but this window with bake ice is working. When i click full check "cannot open hash.inf, the info format is error". Any suggestion?

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Annoying fake online status while the server is offline. Remove it or change it to a real one.


LoL ? Is work fine ... maybe u didnt refresh site (lmao xD)


Btw. Join it Full of PVP!! :P

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Now check site There write ...

Game: offline ... Gm doing smth lol... be patient ^^

Wanna srv better so stay and w8 for make it better and enjoy! :)

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Now check site There write ...

Game: offline ... Gm doing smth lol... be patient ^^

Wanna srv better so stay and w8 for make it better and enjoy! :)

man that porblem I cant anymore.......I want pvp now :S

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Server is perfect !! JOIN This and TRY your OWN !!:)

All Time PvPing Make this server NICE and U Really can ENJOY here :)!!


But there need some changes:

1. Change Spawn Protection because NooB's put there Warlock and use Cat buff and we cant kill him lol (Change it for 40 sec MAX)

2. Make 2nd farm protection in DVC but different place (Near Death Pass)

3. Make 1 Town (Hunter Village best) PvP Town  :) Thats nice idea because there all can meet and FIGHT :)

4. Hmmm 24 buff bar too low :P If u can make it 35.

5. Change a bit Titanium because its just p atk higher and more HP ...

6. If u can Change EWS/EAS for adena ... Hmmm for 5k :)

7. Make Auto pick Up drop because this is bored to pick them =/


Thats all for now :) IF i find smth else i post it :)

Regards and dont forgot about vote :)

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Omg don't change the slots, it's just perfect!

Guys, what's worong with you?!? Can't you play just like this, all want to have 50 buffs!The game is unballance like this omg ..!



PS:I am goning to check server now.

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