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[Share] How to make every player a hero

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Well its kinda unique.. I never saw it in another server before,decided to make mine like this cuz olympiad is failure - feedings etc..So with this thingie you can make every logged player a hero + skills.


Works on all l2j's ^^



Find this :

		// Set Hero status if it applies
	if (Hero.getInstance().getHeroes() != null && Hero.getInstance().getHeroes().containsKey(activeChar.getObjectId()))

Delete it and on the deleted lines paste this :

		// All chars are hero's


PLS dont post things like USELESS ..

P.S. Thanks to Horus and Stefoulis15 for helping me ;d

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Horus is the best^^ he doesnt give u a code to paste, he just tell u how to do it and u have to search it by yourself.

I love when he do that :P

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The only problem is i think if you gain hero status you lost it because of the check.


anyway everybody who start to learn java is welcome :)

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The only problem is i think if you gain hero status you lost it because of the check.

LOOL are you crazy ?

Jeez Intrepid are you on drugs and suddenly forgot Java ?

In english the check works like this:

IF the character is NOT a hero, then make him. ELSE if he IS a hero DO NOTHING.


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LOOL are you crazy ?

Jeez Intrepid are you on drugs and suddenly forgot Java ?

In english the check works like this:

IF the character is NOT a hero, then make him. ELSE if he IS a hero DO NOTHING.



ahh lol sry nahh im not on drugs(or maybe :D )

that happens when i write something 10min after i get up :D

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I don't think so ;d This is the most simple thing ever :/

WeLL u must know that all the top devs started from teh most simple things and now here they are... ;)

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Interpid you're wrong.. From PHP i know that when u do a if(!activeChar.isHero()) ! means that if(false) etc etc.They are so close languages ;d Almost same!(yea sure..;x).Okay okay not the same cuz i write php but i can't java this is another shit ^^ I`ll make it on a config too.(mabey:D)


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as a config. it's  not sth difficult. just



	// All chars are hero's



+ public static boolean NEW_CHAR_SET_HERO;
+ NEW_CHAR_SET_HERO = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JModSettings.getProperty("NewCharSetHero", "True"));



#Set Hero Every New Character On It's Login?
NewCharSetHero = True


sth like this.


NOTE: Im not on my eclipse , so there might be some mistakes.



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