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Hello ppl,


This exploit is very easy and very helpful on the servers with LS easy to get.I'll be quick..so let's start:


1.Open l2phx and mark at Filters from client side those packets : D026,D027,D028,D044,D046...that's all we need.

2.Start L2,go in game and augment one weapon

3.Remove augment

4.Now it's the important part: go to sniffer and add packets for sending in this order:


5.Go to sending and send one time then check your augment...if it's good keep it,buy another weapon and follow the steps again for a new augment...if is not good...send the packet again and again and again.


After you recive the packets for sending it is recommended to uncheck ''To remember packets'' ...it's the floppy disk icon green :) because this will crash l2phx after sending few times the packets.


I use l2phx 3.4.182 english and its very useful ;)


Have fun :)


Nice but there r enough other scripts (for example: L2NET) which u can try to auto-use too.


Yeap, + there is another share just like this one going arround, any way ty for sharing another method.


i dont get it .. in step 1 what to do ?

If you know how to use l2phx...then you will understand what to do in the first step...just go to filters tab and mark only those packets,because you will need them...:)


Nice but there r enough other scripts (for example: L2NET) which u can try to auto-use too.


L2NET i think is a walker and ''just'' for augment, l2phx it is very easy to use..and fast..not much to set to make it work :P


Yeap, + there is another share just like this one going arround, any way ty for sharing another method.


Yes there is a script made too but is only for Interlude. When i saw the script i try to make it work with CT2.2...but i don't know much about programing so then i use the simply way...and it's really simple and fast....i just watch the augment all the time until it is what i want :D



L2NET i think is a walker and ''just'' for augment, l2phx it is very easy to use..and fast..not much to set to make it work :P

+1 to this, plus if the server has LS in the gm-shop (buyable with adena lol), its really useful.

Thanks for sharing.

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