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OMG..I Gone and came baCk..


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Omg guys..yesterday i tried to log in in L2DeathWhisper and my pass was wrong..Som1 changed it..and finally i got stolen..i dont give a shiat about the acc on DW..but now i woke up..and tried several times to login with my pass..and it said me WRONG...Wtf?!I Almost gone,if they should stole me here i believe that bb pc..So i understand that i am maniak with this Forum <3...Finally the only wrong was cause i was typing `revenger^ instead my old username.. ;)

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tried several times to login with my pass..and it said me WRONG...Wtf?!I Almost gone,if they should stole me here i believe that bb pc

You are right :P but it still the same  :D


BB pc for mxc ..kk...

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You are right :P but it still the same  :D


BB pc for mxc ..kk...

He thought that there was a keylogger inside so....


Anyways with a simple format or spyware doc that can be fixed

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He thought that there was a keylogger inside so....


Anyways with a simple format or spyware doc that can be fixed

OffTopic: Nai re skule  TA PADA OLAAAA xa0xa0ax0x0a0ax  33e7p6f.jpg x0aax00ax

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You would not try to log-in if you dont give a shiet about DW account like you said  :)


selfowned lol ^^



P.S Thanks for Telling us your ID :) I will try to figure out the password :P


Hmm,is it Img4y... Hmm,Hmm    -> Joking xD ;)

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