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[Test: Fake Or ReaL?]


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The Challenge


Take a look at the ten images below. Some of them are photographs of real objects or scenes, others are created by computer graphics (CG) artists. Test your ability to tell which among the array of images are real, and which are CG. If you want a closer look, click the image to see a larger view of the picture. Once you've decided what's what, click either CG or REAL to begin the tally of your score. Work through each of the ten images. When you've finished, you'll be prompted to get your score.




I score 8/12 xD

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Six out of twelve answers are correct. Pretty good! The CG artists have worked really hard to fool you-- but you're still slightly ahead of the game!

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The Results


Eight out of twelve answers are correct. Very good. You're pretty hard to fool but you can be even better at figuring it out. Try again and beat your best score!


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Comment :


Pic1. Impossible i cannot translate this tool but it's impossible for it to show such numbers.

Pic2. Such weak string cannot hold such big ... whatever you call it :D..

Pic3. This picture looks like a bed to me so i find it most likely possible

Pic4. I just randomed the answer on that one as i didn't understood it..

Pic5. Do i need to explain its obvious that its fake...

Pic6. Ofc its possible i have even seen a hammer just like those ones.. judges use them

Pic7. Seen that kind of constructure before ...

Pic8. Impossible , there is no cimetry in this image.

Pic9. Why isn't this real? ofc it is..

Pic10. Yeah even if the cube is bigger than the rope the mechanics of the persienne allows the weight on the one of the size to be bigger than the other one

Pic11. I've seen teeth of crocodial and they are nothing like this

Pic12. Now i got why when i typed its right it gave me wrong answer the picture is rotated and its impossible for the egg and the mini-things to not fall down.


Thats it.

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