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[Guide]How to separate a clan+ally crest

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Hi everyone...


I guess many of you when looking for a good crest for your clan, use google and find some nice crests that consist of both a clan and an ally crest. The thing is that in order to use them for our clan, they need to be separated and not merged. Here, in this guide, I'm gonna show you how to separate a clan+ally crest.


A good site with such crests is this: http://l2inside.org/l2/index.php?file=ally_crests


1. Save the crest you want.




2.1 Right-click on the image you saved and click "Edit".




2.2 If the image you saved is not a .bmp file, then better choose "Open with" and then "Painting".




3. When painting opens to edit your crest, click "Image" and then "Attributes".




4. Now replace number 24 with number 8 at "Width" and click "OK".






5. As you can see the image was cut. This is the ally crest! Now you need to save it with a name different than the first one, so that it won't be replaced, and of course with 256 colours.




6. Now that the ally crest is over we need to separate the clan crest. Open with painting the crest you downloaded, click "Image" and then "Flip/rotate"




7. Choose "Rotate by angle" and then 180 degrees.




8. As you can see, the crest was turned upside down. Now click "Image" and then "Attributes".




9. This time, replace number 24 with number 16 and click "OK".






10. The crest is now cut and has the size of a clan crest. But as you may have noticed it's turned upside down. What we need to do is rotate it again. Click "Image" and then "Flip/Rotate" as explained at step 6.


11. Now choose "Rotate by angle" and choose 180 degrees,as explained in step 7.


12. The clan crest is over. Now save it as bitman of 256 colours.




That's all. I hope you found my guide useful!

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OMG Thanks a lot...


I Never knew how to do that and its quite usefull indeed

i agree with you i never new how to do this


so now i know and maybe i will make mine ally + clan crests :P


ty man!

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