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[move]Moved to -->http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=69248.0[/move]


Gratz to mxc members.


1.)Anti-pk or Karma police costume: http://www.4shared.com/file/109903738/4305c2d2/Anti-PK.html


2.)Super Haste lvl4 fixed gia kaliteres apodoseis ;-) :  http://www.4shared.com/file/101242007/e9cce504/7000-7099.html

-Meta balte to sto ....\gameserver\data\stats\skills


Meta kante restart ton server sas (i anoixte ton) kai patiste //gmspeed 4.


Tha deite to speed , to atack speed sas, to cast. speed sas terastio!!!


3.)Pk killer by me!!! me poli anebasmena stats: http://www.4shared.com/file/109906966/e48ac6a8/Pk_Killer2.html


4.) Afto einai enas kodikas gia to sqp me afto allazeis ta stats ton guard kai tous kaneis toubana ama bariese na bazeis karma police:  http://www.4shared.com/file/109907561/cb48cd0a/pk_tebelis.html


5.) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=45746.0  no comments!


6.)Kai afto einai gia gracia pt2 CT2 (pack 2) einai hero manager dld 20 gold bar kai ginese prosorina hero!


-->Hero Status Seller!


   Hero Status mexri na kanete Restart!

  Einai gia L2J Free CT2 ...... Geia ala pack theli mirkoalages!

  parte to "7202.htm" kai valte to sto html/defaul

  parte ton fakelo "8204_NpcHero" kai valte to sto scripts/custom/

 anikste to script.cfg kai kade Add to ( custom/8204_NpcHero/__init__.py )

 Open SQL Manager kai valte to arxio SQL, i kade to xirokinita!

 afto itan! //reload_quest 8204 (kade ama xriasti.....)


link: http://www.4shared.com/file/69719864/44aa84/Hero-L2JFree.html


7.) edw kanw post mia dieukolinsi gia tous gm einai ena neo enchant panel to kserw oti de xreiazete alla to bazw link: http://rapidshare.com/files/111336762/New_Enchant_Painel_for_Admins.zip.html


8.) to gnwsto se olous pinaka tis dropis gia kapoius "Table top 50Pvps/Pks" link:  http://rapidshare.com/files/238061115/Top_50_pvp_NPC.rar

*odigos xrishs....


a) Bαλτε το sql στην navicat

b) Βαλτε τα html εδω gameserver/data/html/default

c) Βαλτε τον φακελο script εδω gameserver/data/script/custom  "50300_Pklist"

d) Bαλτε στο αρχειο script.cfg αφτο εδω (gameserver/data/script.cfg)





episeis 8a ienai kai kapws etc...



custom/50300_PKlist/__init__.py  <---------------------- EDW


-ama 8elete pio pola pvp/pk breite ti seire:


pks = con.prepareStatement("SELECT char_name,pkkills FROM characters WHERE pkkills>0 and accesslevel=0 order by pkkills desc limit 50")


kai allakste to!!


9.)Pws boreis na allakseis to name tou server sou sto log in.

Xreiazomaste ena file edit:   http://www.4shared.com/file/117242633/6e7b3bc8/L2_File_Edit_Kamael_-_Hellbound.html

File edit c4-c5-c6-->http://www.4shared.com/file/117243202/8de49724/Fileedit.html





...Loipon Xekiname

Anoigoume To File Edit ,Briskoume To System Sto Opio Theloume Na Allaxoume Diafora pragmata P.x:Tn Server Ip Prepei na allaxeis auto edw:

ServerAddr= <---- edw Tin Ip Tou Server Sou I  An Dn thn ksereis  http://www.whatismyip.com . Otan Allaxoume Tin Ip Tou Server Patame Save And Encrypt File Kai Mhn Xexnate Se Version 413 Oxi 414 Meta Mporoume Na Allaxoume To Server Name Meta to Login Sunh8os Einai Bartz Poli Eukola Mporoume Na To onomasou Opws Theloume Emeis Anoigoume To File Edit Briskoume To System Patch Sto Search Briskoume to servername-e.dat Mpainoume Mesa Kai Blepoume (Merika Apo Ta Opia Grafei)  An Thelete na to allaxete Sbhnete To Bartz Kai Grafete Oti 8elete na Emfanizete


server_id   tag_?   server_name   server_desc
0   1   a,Bartz\0   a,
1   1   a,Sieghardt\0   a,
2   1   a,Kain\0   a,
3   1   a,Lionna\0   a,
4   1   a,Erica\0   a,

10.) anebazodas lvl ta skill gratz to -TerrorXCrew- http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=32977.0   (POLI XRISIMO)


11.) telos ta EVENTS.....>>> xwris pola logia gratz to ZeRo*  http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=36838.




Γ.Σ. elpizw na fanika xrisimos kserw einai kourastiko na ta diabaseis kai na ta kaneis alla give a change. Perimenw comment. Gia opiadipote diskolia-epeksigish to Messeger mou einai   mastervazelos13@hotmail.com  boreis na me rotiseis oti borw na sou apadisw :P !!!!



                                                                        [move]-Thanks for reading-[/move]

Protimiste 4share adi gia rapidshare*

By BillGR



[move]MOVED[/move][move]FOR UPDATES VISIT THE LINK---->http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=69248.0[/move]



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[GR]wow nice μερίδιο άνθρωπος χάρη πολύ ευγνώμων


[EN]wow nice share man thanks a lot very grateful

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[GR]wow nice μερίδιο άνθρωπος χάρη πολύ ευγνώμων

Thanks but your greeks sucks man! You say

"wow nice meridio man favor very plesufull" ahahhaha

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[GR]wow nice μερίδιο άνθρωπος χάρη πολύ ευγνώμων

Google translate ? :P


@On-Topic Nice guide alla an mporeis kane [ U R L= to link] to name t topiC [ / U R L ] xwris ta kenta ofc :P


8a fenete ply poio wraio ;)

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[GR]wow nice μερίδιο άνθρωπος χάρη πολύ ευγνώμων


[EN]wow nice share man thanks a lot very grateful

You need to improve your greeks.I will translate it for the english section. :P

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Thanks but your greeks sucks man! You say

"wow nice meridio man favor very plesufull" ahahhaha

xaxa yes ofc is true... and what you think about you speak spanish :P xaxa LOL
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Google translate ? :P


@On-Topic Nice guide alla an mporeis kane [ U R L= to link] to name t topiC [ / U R L ] xwris ta kenta ofc :P


8a fenete ply poio wraio ;)

Zero kane add to msn mou kai na eisai online smr kata tis 8:00 to apogeuma! 8elw na me help na to ftiaksw gt den xrisimopoiw extra ston tropo grafhs m... :p opote add me na mou eksigiseis :p

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