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Change Weapons' Enchant Colour

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With this guide u will be able to change your weapon's enchant colour.

It works with every client (c3,c4,c5,c6).Remember though that +1,+2,+3 weapons

dont have an enchant colour so dont bother changing them.


Let's start!!xD


1.You have to locate the file env.int which is located in the Client's system folder..envbk9.jpg

Sometimes it is encrypted so decrypt it using l2decrypt. Here is the link if u dont have the program..http://rapidshare.com/files/34310763/l2decrypt.zip


2.Drag and drop the file into the l2decrypt.exe and it will be decrypted.


3.Open the file with notepad and scroll down to the place where it says:Enchant0=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1)



4.Now open Photoshop or Paint..With Photoshop you can choose from a wide range of colours..So if u have it use Photshop and not paint..


5.So far,so good...Now lets change +4 colour...(As i said before +1/+2/+3 dont have a colour)..Lets try making it,hmmmm,Orange...xD

In photoshop open the Colour window by clicking the small black box in the colours palette..



Drag the cursor to orange to see it's R,G,B..For example orange has R=255,G=126,B=0...




6.Go to notepad where it says:


and change it with the new R,G,B..It will look like that:



Note:If u want to make the colour denser and the flame after +7 bigger,change the opacity and the number..(Opacity=1,Num=1 are good enough i believe..After that u wont see your weapon  :P :P)


7.Follow step 6 for Enchant5-100 and make your weapon's colour different each enchant if u want..xD


8.Now,u can put to colours in your weapon and they will flash..Lets try it with Red and yellow..


9.Go to photoshop and see each colour's R,G,B.Go to notepad to,let's say Enchant7,and edit it like that..



This way your weapon will have two Colours,Red and yellow..bling bling..xD  ;D


10.Note,some colours,like black,wont be too solid but transparent...The best colours,i believe,are red,green,blue,yellow,orange,purple,pink and so on..


11.Now,save the file and encrypt it..Simply,drag and drop it into the l2decrypt.exe and encrypt it...When it finishes encryption it will be named env.crypt.int..



So rename it to env.int..



12.Alt+c the file and paste it into your system folder...Login and check out your new CoLouRzZzZzZZzz... ::) ;D


13.Thats it...I believe it is an easy way to change the colours and it is kewl also..xd  ;D


If u have any problems (it is easy i dont believe that u ll mess it up xD :P)pm me..I may not answer immediately cuz i have to study for school exams but i ll answer to your questions as soon as i can..





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