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Loipon epeidh exw dei pollous na rwtane sto Help section poio einai to kalytero pack interlude...kathws epsaxna vrika kati poly kalo.

Vrika pou lete to pio prosftato revision ths L2J-Archid.

To kalytero Pack kata th gnwmh mou!!!

Oriste to Link:


Credits go to loka from www.devs-spot.com

P.S: This pack is Compiled!!!


Soz gia to double post apla den leei na to kanw edit gia na pw ayto pou thelw:

Loipon to pack ayto pou exw sto parapanw link exei ta quests MAMIMENA vsk gia thn akriveia den ta exei katholou :P gt to team ths archid douleyoun gia na ftiaksoun enan new quest manager...ayto lene toulaxiston :')

Opote kapoios moderator na to kanei delete h na to kanei move sta junk,TY

  • 2 weeks later...

to archid pethane paides,telos!


Den simfono xrisimopio archid kai ime arketa efxaristimenos, tr L2 Dot eine korifi pisteuo tha to Try kai tha kanw edit


Soz gia to double post apla den leei na to kanw edit gia na pw ayto pou thelw:

Loipon to pack ayto pou exw sto parapanw link exei ta quests MAMIMENA vsk gia thn akriveia den ta exei katholou  gt to team ths archid douleyoun gia na ftiaksoun enan new quest manager...ayto lene toulaxiston :')

Opote kapoios moderator na to kanei delete h na to kanei move sta junk,TY (By GangstaR oxi auton tn nooba,apo MxC Apo Real :P Me :P Dar.88@hotmail.com!!! apo auton!


Theli doulia to Pack Akoma exi liga fix

paw stixima oute kan to katevases.


kl to archid alla akoma kltero compiled ta pre. dn lene ....

kita,ise ligo blegmenos....

preconfigured theorite ena pack to opio FISIKA exi gini compile apo kapion....alla xrisimopiite apo kapion allon...

gia ton "owner" tou pack ine compiled,gia ton allon p to xrisimopiei...ine preconfigured gt ine rithmizmeno IDI APO PIO PRIN APO TON "OWNER" TOU PACK.. xD.

fisika ena compiled pack p to EKANES ESI,ine kalitero apo to n xrisimopiiseis ena pack p t eftiakse kapios allos....

efxaristo,tha to dokimasw.


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