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soz but if this going for to do any bug is imposible.eurogold is from the most security private servers.bugs can only found by profesional hackers.this is only an information.so don't lose your time trying finding a bug.it is waste of time only :)


To get the ip of a server yuo can goto the agree screen of the EULA and then goto command prompt and type in netstat -n and it will come up wth a lot of ip's the one with a protocol that looks like L2 such as 7777;2106 etc will be the l2 one


Dunno if what Hilltop works but you can also try openning L2.ini with Fileedit and then you'll find server's IP adress.

it does there was aguide on here awhile ago about it, ill try find it now


EDIT: found it http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21928.0


OP shoulda searched for it theres plenty of topics about finding a server IP.

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