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L2J MaxBastards Dev Team

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I have a problem i cannot write when i qoute.I write the answer and when i post it it cannot be seen something like deleted

I am not spaming

This is For Draagoon and Rooy :


STOP THAT SPAMMING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Or the topic Will be LOCKED.


EzeraL, You Are Sleeping Yet or Are You Drunked ?? Read The Post I have Submitted : Im Refered To 2 Members (Graagoon & Rooy)....You see your Name In that Post ? I don't Think So.  :-X :-\


Ok sorry man but i cannot see the names why?I will reinstall fireflox

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Hallo this  is the first version of L2jMxb Dev Team

I called it beta because the other developers didnt include their work in this release.They will do it in version 1 soon





This version is baed on l2joff main code.Many java fixes are from l2jfree and oneo



)Fix Hero Quest 100%work

2)Fix Noblesse quest 100% work

3)Add interlude sql trees

4)Add location sql with all locations included customs arenas,areas spawns

5)Add new weapon sql with many id and stats fixes

6)Add new installer.bat based on the original

7)Add 5 htmls missing

8)Fix zone sql

9)Some fixes in cursed weapons

10)Some fixes  in gameserver so it will take less ram(Need further work)

11)Add optional folder with l2jfree and oneo customs



So i hope to enjoy

Soon the version 1 comming


Go to l2mxb.freehostia.com and download


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New version will be based on l2jfree with interlude skills beta(not100% as retail)wedding and more fixes


Plz support us by register in our forum and post the problems in forum

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I will upload the new version today.It is based on l2jfree code(mmocore)

I add wedding(evil33t)

Interlude skills(me but not 100% worl)

Npc crafter(l2jfree

Sync to last l2jdb(l2jdb)

All all events(l2jfree0

Add new gm commands(me)

Add some new htmls(me)

New antihlapex code(me)

Little fix in quests(me)

Clean up the code


I waititng today for other devs their work ao i add them and test them and release the version 1 pack


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off-topic :


EzeraL, Why The augmentation Don't Work Yet ? I have the lastest Domuk Pack, the V3 Interlude...But I CAN'T see that Effect On my weapon..you Can tell me Why ?


I have a full Updated Interlude Client.....

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New verision is up:

The changes are:






-Improved performance(BY L2MXB)

-Improved stability(BY L2MXB

-Improved stability AntiHlapex

-Cleaned the codes to work much better

-The Server can stay up max 5 days

-Updated protection against the hacking tools

-Interlude weapons-armors-all interlude things

-Interlude skills(not all working)

-Full C5 skills

-Full NPCs C5

-Full Items C5

-Full spawnlist C5

-Full armors C5

-Added Missing html

-Fixed some quests bugs

-Fixed some GK problems

-Fixes some multisell xmls

-Add Teleport For Nobless

-All Sieges Work

-Clan Hall Work

-Wedding Work 100%(Evill33t)

-Enchant Skills Work

-Add new droplist sql(BY L2MXB)

-Add new spawnlist sql(BY L2MXB)

-Fix npc sql(BY L2MXB)


Add optional:


Titan creation

2 gmshops new

L2Mxb PkKiller


Go to our forum and download it.Remember that you must register to download our pack

So have fun......

Just go to l2mxb.freehostia.com

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EzeraL, Can you Answer me Please ? ^^'


Why I can't see the Agumentation Effect On My weapon ? I have A full Udated Interlude Client..and a Server Pack Where the Agumentation Works 100% ....


maybe is a My Problem ? (Video card, ...or what ?)

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EzeraL, Can you Answer me Please ? ^^'


Why I can't see the Agumentation Effect On My weapon ? I have A full Udated Interlude Client..and a Server Pack Where the Agumentation Works 100% ....


maybe is a My Problem ? (Video card, ...or what ?)


Well i must ckeck at but be sure that your client hasnt have problems or your pack may be damaged

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