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kalispera paidia :)

tha ithela na sas rotisw mipos xerete pos tha borousa na bw sto zaken :(

mipos thelei kapoios q gia na beis ???

exw dokimasei me unlock tis portas brosta tou alla tpt :(

an xerete apadiste :D

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Location  : Devil's Isle

Type : Monster

Level : 60

Produces the following effects: MP + 31, 60% increase in resistance to bleeding, increase in the amount of heal, vampiric rage, and 60% increase in resistance to stun/silence. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.

M.Def :71


Logika pane des Devil's isle sigoura 8a dris to meros ..logika kai enan npc milatou pezo na sou dosi tpt i 8a se pi na pas kapou gia na to pareis dn ksero dokimase:S



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Guys sorry alla den eimai sigouros ama ayto einai ali8eia alla nomizo bgainei mia sugkekrimeni stigmi

Exo eikones apo zaken kai mia deixnei polous players na perimenoun ekso apo tin porta tou Zaken

i fotografia legete "Waiting For Zaken" alla to leo me kamia sigouria oti einai ali8eia

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tin foto pou leei waiting for zaken tin exo dei:)

exw paei devils,exw paei brosta stin porta pou einai mesa to zaken alla den anoigei:S

exei k enan psofio pirati ap exo k tou milaw alla den kanei tpt:(

mipws xerei kaneis tpt parapanw?

ty gia ta reply sas paidia :)

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