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what do i wrong...


i'm editing set.ini










LoginServerIP=  //infinity ip

LoginServerPort=7777            //infinity port


ServerList=[1]Infinity 5x;


now i'm extracting host, start l2srv, than bot. now setup->option->GameServer Use: //dragon network ip:port


than i'm writing acc/pass and login and:


23:59:30 Now we will use local verification:o)

23:59:30 Enjoy!

23:59:30 Link LoginServer Succeed.

00:00:00 ->Login LoginServer Timeout.



This is wrong

LoginServerIP=  //infinity ip

LoginServerPort=7777            //infinity port


Need Login server IP and Port


so i made that... and still i got errors


yes as i said, it won't work. all oog walkers sending wrong packets to server, so the server sends back something, that the walker don't expect, and disconnect or error messages. It can be fixed with wicked walker patcher, just noone knows how to use that shitty script language, cuz there is no documentaion for it.


yes as i said, it won't work. all oog walkers sending wrong packets to server, so the server sends back something, that the walker don't expect, and disconnect or error messages. It can be fixed with wicked walker patcher, just noone knows how to use that shitty script language, cuz there is no documentaion for it.


mhm... u say all oog... and l2net works for me, but i dont like this bot;p

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