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interlude [Interlude L2J]computergate


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Server features:

* Full Interlude server

* Complete Interlude skills

* Custom Shop with Interlude items

* Custom Shop with vesper / icarus / vulcano items

* Custom Teleport with custom zones

* Safe enchant: 6

* Maxim enchant:-Weapons: +16 / Armors: +20

* Enchant rate: 75%

* Full Interlude Moobs + Raids

* 100% working skills

* Official subclass system

* Quality geodata

* Class manager in every town

* Auto learn skills (skills can be enchanted)

* 100% working olympiad system ( hero every 15 days )

* Clan Hall working

* Full C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, Interlude quests

* Nobless system working (right click on 1 festival adena and you are nobless)

* Custom Buffer (includes prophet, songs, dances, chants , nobless)

* Tattoo shop

* Augumenter in every town

* Daily events (every 6 hours auto event - every night GM special event)

* 100% working Castles

* Location : Romania (Europe), 100% Uptime & Stability, 0 Lag !




Server machine info :D i willl post a screen whit internet conection :D



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This is a good server, but need more people :( when I log in only 2 people including me online. Register on Xtreme, 200 top, and Hopzone :) to incraese population. i don't wanna be only guy in game :(

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:) salut , am vazut ca esti roman si voiam sa intreb cum ai reusit sa bagi custom items in DB ...eu nu pot adauga sql files prin navicat am incercat si m-am uitat la tutoriale dar unele nu sunt deajuns de bune am folosit chestia cu "Query" dar tot degeaba ...poate imi explici si iti raman dator cu o bere  :D

-For EN ppl - Sorry for RO post :)

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