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Archers/tyrants hit 4/8k? how?

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Dude! You're playing a Java server! Every java server has its own bug that ruinds the server. Don't worry at least i can save you from your agony. Quit the server ... as soon as the admin's find out that they can't fix it they will close the server and "start looking for new pack" which will never happen.

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i dont know about tyrant but if archer got epic set,db focus,full buffs including cat buff and dyes +str maybe be possible,if an archer did to you 7-8k dmg and dont have those i mention then the server you play got those chars little overpowered

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thats sad, but normal...


seems more like many lines of buffs kills the gameplay


if youre mage i recommend these things:


-use buffer class with nuke augment: they have light armor mastery and already bigger c.speed than wizards..summoners are a good choice too


-if mage, use a spellhowler and add empower augment to your weapon to leech more hp in dark vortex and vampiric claw


-if mystic muse, best thing is get augment for less reuse time on spells and spam aura flare


best augment attack: aura flare, because theres no buffs to resist it, since aura flare has no element, its set as dearrangement...so buffs wont affect its damage


- always buff for doomcryer chant of protection and the swordsinger song that resist arrow

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because were talking about things that happens in private servers and gameplay is unbalanced in favor to archers


i guess at this point, nobody has more time to play retail in such low rates..takes forever to reach endgame

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