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[HELP]Loginserver is a go, but Gameserver has errors using Strikers version



----- GAME SERVER PROPERTIES ------------

# This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection for your server.

# Usually you have to change the ExternalHostname option to

# - (if you want to play alone / testing purpose)

# - LAN IP* (if you want to play from another computer in the network)

# - WAN IP** (if you want to play with friends over internet)

# - Questions? => http://l2jfree.com


# * = If you want to get your LAN IP, simply choose "Start" => "Run..." then type "cmd" => "ipconfig"

# **= If you want to get you WAN IP, visit http://www.whatismyip.com

# ================================================== =================================================


# ================================================== ==============

# General server setting!!! REQUIRED to configure to everyone!!!

# ================================================== ==============


# Bind ip of the gameserver, use to bind on all available IPs

GameserverHostname =

GameserverPort = 7777


# This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname

ExternalHostname =

# This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname

InternalHostname =

# Note: You can define server hostname for each network in subnets.properties


# The Loginserver host and port

LoginPort = 9014

LoginHost =


# This is the server id that the gameserver will request (i.e. 1 is Bartz)

RequestServerID = 1

# If set to true, the login will give an other ID to the server if the requested ID is allready reserved

AcceptAlternateID = False


# Database info

Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

# Driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver

# Driver = com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver

URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb

# URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jdb

# URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=l2jdb/user=sa/password=

Login = *****

Password = *****

MaximumDbConnections = 50


# Datapack root directory, defaults to current directory from which the server is started

# DatapackRoot = H:/workEclipse/L2J Free/trunk/L2_DataPack_CT2


# Define character name template

# These ones are regular expressions, visit http://www.regular-expressions.info for details

# Note: Checking lengths are done server side, but keep it in pattern for future purposes

# Character name ( Default [A-Za-z0-9\-]{3,16} )

CnameTemplate = [A-Za-z0-9\-]{3,16}

# Pet name ( Default [A-Za-z0-9\-]{3,16} )

PetNameTemplate = [A-Za-z0-9\-]{3,16}

# Clan and ally name ( [A-Za-z0-9 \-]{3,16} )

ClanAllyNameTemplate = [A-Za-z0-9 \-]{3,16}

# Title ( [A-Za-z0-9 \-\\[\\]\<\>\(\)\!\|]{3,16} )

TitleTemplate = [A-Za-z0-9 \-\\[\\]\<\>\(\)\!\|]{3,16}


# Maximum number of chars per account - 0 = illimited - default = 7

CharMaxNumber = 7


# Define how many players are allowed to play simultaneously on your server.

MaximumOnlineUsers = 600



# Minimum and maximum protocol revision that server allow to connect.

# You must keep MinProtocolRevision <= MaxProtocolRevision.

MinProtocolRevision = 1

MaxProtocolRevision = 999


# ---------------------------------------------

# Safe Reboot configuration

# ---------------------------------------------

# This will prevent some exploit during restart/shutdown process

SafeReboot = True

# To use following options, SafeReboot must be set to True

# Time in seconds before server complete shutdown/reboot, when

# following striction take effect

SafeRebootTime = 10

# Disable item enchant

SafeRebootDisableEnchant = True

# Disable players teleportations

SafeRebootDisableTeleport = False

# Disable craft and crystallize

SafeRebootDisableCreateItem = False

# Disable trades and shops

SafeRebootDisableTransaction = False

# Disable actions between players

SafeRebootDisablePcIteraction = False

# Disable actions on NPC

SafeRebootDisableNpcIteraction = False


# Flood Protection

# If enabled players which send more then PACKETLIMIT packets in PACKETTIMELIMIT ms will get kicked

FloodProtection = False

PacketLimit = 500

PacketTimeLimit = 1100


# ================================================== ==============

# CT1 Legacy

# ================================================== ==============

CT1LegacyMode = False



------- LOGIN SERVER PROPERTIES ------------

# ================================================== ==============

# General login server setting !!! REQUIRED to configure to everyone !!!

# ================================================== ==============


# Bind ip of the loginserver, use to bind on all available IPs





# The port, ip on which login will listen for GameServers




# If set to true any GameServer can register on your login's free slots

AcceptNewGameServer = True


# If false, the licence (after the login) will not be shown

ShowLicence = True


# Database info



#Driver=com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriv er







# Useable values: "True" - "False", use this option to choose whether accounts will be created

# automatically or not.



# The delay in minutes after which the login updates the gameservers IP's (usefull when their ip is dynamic)

# (0 = disable)




# ================================================== ============

# Test server setting, shoudnt be touched in online game server

# ================================================== ============


Debug = False

Assert = False

Developer = False

# Enforce GG Authorization from client

# Login server will kick client if client bypassed GameGuard authentication



#FloodProtection. time in ms







#Ban management

# number of attempt before a user is banned when he fails his login


# Time you won't be able to login back again after LoginTryBeforeBan tries to login. Provide a value in seconds. Default 10min. (600)


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Game Server Log File


INFO logging initialized^M

================================================== ===========-[ Configuration ]

INFO loading ./config/server.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/hexid.txt^M

INFO loading ./config/subnets.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/rates.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/enchant.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/pvp.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/telnet.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/options.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/other.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/geodata.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/altsettings.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/clans.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/champions.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/lottery.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/wedding.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/siege.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/fortsiege.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/clanhall.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/castle.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/idfactory.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/fun_engines.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/sevensigns.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/GMAccess.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/command-privileges.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/irc.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/boss.properties^M

INFO loading ./config/sayfilter.txt^M

INFO loading ./config/elayne.properties^M

================================================== ================-[ Database ]

INFO : MLog clients using log4j logging. ^M

INFO : Initializing c3p0- [built 21-May-2007 15:04:56; debug? true; trace: 10] ^M

INFO : Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource [ acquireIncrement -> 5, acquireRetryAttempts -> 0, acquireRetryDelay -> 500, autoCommitOnClose -> true, automaticTestTable -> connection_test_table, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, dataSourceName -> 1hgekqa811cf8wiuts8y3a|682bc3f5, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces -> false, description -> null, driverClass -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, factoryClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken -> 1hgekqa811cf8wiuts8y3a|682bc3f5, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 3600, initialPoolSize -> 10, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb, maxAdministrativeTaskTime -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 0, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, maxPoolSize -> 50, maxStatements -> 0, maxStatementsPerConnection -> **** minPoolSize -> 10, numHelperThreads -> 3, numThreadsAwaitingCheckoutDefaultUser -> 0, preferredTestQuery -> null, properties -> {HOST=localhost, user=******, password=******, DBNAME=l2jdb}, propertyCycle -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false ] ^M

================================================== ============-[ Preparations ]

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[starting Version: -1]

INFO Preparations: done^M

================================================== ===================-[ World ]

INFO L2World: Setting up World Regions^M

INFO L2World: (191 by 271) World Region Grid set up.^M

INFO Telnet Server is currently disabled.^M

INFO MapRegionManager: Loaded 38 restartpoint(s).^M

INFO MapRegionManager: Loaded 23 restartareas with 145 arearegion(s).^M

INFO MapRegionManager: Loaded 235 zoneregion(s).^M

INFO MapRegionManager: Loaded 4 race depending redirects.^M

INFO Cleaned 0 elements from database.^M

INFO ThreadPoolManager v1: Initialized with 50 threads...^M

INFO IDFactory: 102912 id's avaliable.^M

INFO IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 1879048190^M

INFO IDFactory: 102912 id's avaliable.^M

INFO IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 1879048190^M

INFO SQLQueue: Initialized.^M

INFO GeoData: Disabled^M

INFO StaticObject: Loaded 30 StaticObject Templates.^M

INFO GameTimeController: Initialized.^M

INFO TeleportLocationTable: Loaded 954 Teleport Location Templates.^M

INFO Initializing BoatManager^M

INFO Initializing InstanceManager^M

INFO Multiverse Instance created^M

INFO Universe Instance created^M

================================================== ============-[ TaskManagers ]

INFO PacketBroadcaster: Initialized.^M

================================================== ==================-[ Skills ]

INFO SkillTreeTable: Loaded 41787 skills.^M

INFO FishingSkillTreeTable: Loaded 109 general skills.^M

INFO FishingSkillTreeTable: Loaded 8 dwarven skills.^M

INFO EnchantSkillTreeTable: Loaded 261 enchant skills.^M

INFO PledgeSkillTreeTable: Loaded 64 pledge skills.^M

INFO TransformSkillTreeTable: Loaded 50 transform skills.^M

INFO SkillsEngine: Loaded 36904 Skill templates from XML files.^M

INFO NobleSkills initialized^M

INFO HeroSkills initialized^M

================================================== ===================-[ Items ]

SEVERE Stats for item id 570005 ignored !^M

INFO ItemTable: Loaded 2266 Armors.^M

INFO ItemTable: Loaded 8408 Items.^M

SEVERE Cannot find onCast skill (0,0) for weapon item 8143^M

INFO ItemTable: Loaded 2947 Weapons.^M

INFO ArmorSetsTable: Loaded 164 armor sets.^M

INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 52 augmentation stats.^M

INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills.^M

INFO SummonItemsData: Loaded 26 Summon Items from summon_items.xml^M

INFO Extractable items data: Loaded 337 extractable items!^M

INFO FishTable: Loaded 270 Fishes.^M

INFO ItemsAutoDestroy: initialized^M

================================================== ==============-[ Characters ]

INFO CharTemplateTable: Loaded 103 Character Templates.^M

INFO LevelUpData: Loaded 103 Character Level Up Templates.^M

INFO HennaTable: Loaded 180 Templates.^M

INFO HennaTreeTable: Loaded 8136 Henna Tree Templates.^M

INFO CoupleManager: loaded 0 couples(s)^M

INFO CursedWeaponsManager: loaded 2 cursed weapon(s).^M

INFO ClanTable: restored 0 clans from the database.^M

INFO CursedWeaponsManager: loaded 2 cursed weapon(s).^M

INFO ClanTable: restored 0 clans from the database.^M

INFO [CrestCache]: 0.000MB on 0 files loaded. (Forget Time: 300s , Capacity: 50)^M

INFO HeroSystem: Loaded 0 Heroes.^M

INFO HeroSystem: Loaded 0 all time Heroes.^M

================================================== ====================-[ NPCs ]

INFO NpcTable: Loaded 8459 Npc Templates.^M

INFO NpcTable: Loaded 11 Custom Npc Templates.^M

INFO NpcTable: Loaded 454 Minions.^M

INFO Cache

: Running lazy cache^M

INFO BuffTemplateTable: Loaded 1 Buff Templates.^M

INFO Initializing Walkers Routes Table.^M

INFO WalkerRoutesTable: Loaded 625 Npc Walker Routes.^M

INFO PetDataTable: loaded 23 pets.^M

================================================== ==============-[ SevenSigns ]

INFO SevenSigns: Currently in the Competition (Quest Event) period!^M

INFO SevenSigns: The Seal of Avarice remains unclaimed.^M

INFO SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis remains unclaimed.^M

INFO SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife remains unclaimed.^M

INFO SevenSigns: The competition, if the current trend continues, will end in a tie this week.^M

INFO SevenSigns: Next period begins in 3 days, 19 hours and 14 mins.^M

INFO AutoSpawnHandler: Loaded 133 spawn group(s) from the database.^M

INFO AutoChatHandler: Loaded 32 handlers in total.^M

INFO SevenSignsFestival: first Festival of Darkness cycle begins in 2 minutes.^M

================================================== ======-[ Entities and zones ]

INFO CrownManager: initialized^M

INFO ClanHallManager: loaded 0 clan halls^M

INFO ClanHallManager: loaded 44 free clan halls^M

INFO DoorTable: Loaded 861 Door Templates.^M

INFO Loaded: 9 castles^M

INFO SiegeManager: loaded controltowers[4] artefacts[1] castle[Gludio]^M

INFO SiegeManager: loaded controltowers[4] artefacts[1] castle[Dion]^M

INFO SiegeManager: loaded controltowers[4] artefacts[1] castle[Giran]^M

INFO SiegeManager: loaded controltowers[4] artefacts[1] castle[Oren]^M

INFO SiegeManager: loaded controltowers[8] artefacts[1] castle[Aden]^M

INFO SiegeManager: loaded controltowers[4] artefacts[1] castle[innadril]^M

INFO SiegeManager: loaded controltowers[4] artefacts[2] castle[Goddard]^M

INFO SiegeManager: loaded controltowers[6] artefacts[1] castle[Rune]^M

INFO SiegeManager: loaded controltowers[4] artefacts[2] castle[schuttgart]^M

INFO Initializing FortManager^M

INFO Loaded: 21 fortress^M

INFO Initializing FortSiegeManager^M

INFO Siege of Gludio: Sat Jun 13 18:00:00 CDT 2009^M

INFO Siege of Dion: Sat Jun 13 18:00:00 CDT 2009^M

INFO Siege of Gludio: Sat Jun 13 18:00:00 CDT 2009^M

INFO Siege of Dion: Sat Jun 13 18:00:00 CDT 2009^M

INFO Siege of Giran: Sat Jun 13 18:00:00 CDT 2009^M

INFO Siege of Oren: Sat Jun 13 18:00:00 CDT 2009^M

INFO Siege of Aden: Sat Jun 13 18:00:00 CDT 2009^M

INFO Siege of Innadril: Sat Jun 13 18:00:00 CDT 2009^M

INFO Siege of Goddard: Sat Jun 13 18:00:00 CDT 2009^M

INFO Siege of Rune: Sat Jun 13 18:00:00 CDT 2009^M

INFO Siege of Schuttgart: Sat Jun 13 18:00:00 CDT 2009^M

INFO ZoneManager: castle.xml loaded with 45 zones^M

INFO ZoneManager: boss.xml loaded with 16 zones^M

INFO ZoneManager: arena.xml loaded with 6 zones^M

INFO ZoneManager: stadia.xml loaded with 22 zones^M

INFO ZoneManager: foursepulchers.xml loaded with 4 zones^M

INFO ZoneManager: water.xml loaded with 85 zones^M

INFO ZoneManager: peace.xml loaded with 38 zones^M

INFO ZoneManager: custom.xml loaded with 0 zones^M

INFO ZoneManager: mothertree.xml loaded with 5 zones^M

INFO ZoneManager: misc.xml loaded with 10 zones^M

INFO ZoneManager: forts.xml loaded with 42 zones^M

INFO ZoneManager: monstertrack.xml loaded with 2 zones^M

INFO ZoneManager: clanhall.xml loaded with 44 zones^M

INFO ZoneManager: fishing.xml loaded with 39 zones^M

INFO MercTicketManager: loaded 0 Mercenary Tickets^M

================================================== ==================-[ Quests ]

INFO Initializing QuestManager^M

================================================== =====-[ Events/ScriptEngine ]

INFO Initializing Script Engine Manager^M

INFO Script Engine: jython 2.2.1 - Language: python - Language Version: 2.2.1^M

INFO Script Engine: BeanShell Engine 1.1 - Language: BeanShell - Language Version: 2.0b5^M

INFO Script Engine: java 1.6 - Language: java - Language Version: 1.6^M

importing custom: 9999: NPCBuffer^M

importing custom: 9998: PetBuffer^M

importing custom: 8705_Skills^M

INFO Compiled Scripts Cache is disabled.^M

INFO Loaded: 438 quests^M

INFO Loaded: 57 transformations.^M

INFO FaenorScriptEngine: initialized^M

WARNING Event ID: (Valentines Event) has passed... Ignored.^M

WARNING Event ID: (L2 Day Event) has passed... Ignored.^M

================================================== ==================-[ Spawns ]

INFO MerchantPriceConfigTable: Loaded 28 merchant price configs.^M

INFO DayNightSpawnManager: Day/Night handler initialized^M

INFO SpawnTable: Loaded 40199 Npc Spawn Locations.^M

INFO DayNightSpawnManager: Day/Night handler initialized^M

INFO SpawnTable: Loaded 40199 Npc Spawn Locations.^M

INFO SpawnTable: Loaded 19 Custom Spawn Locations.^M

INFO RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 183 Instances^M

INFO RaidBossSpawnManager: Scheduled 0 Instances^M

INFO GrandBossSpawnManager: Loaded 7 Instances^M

INFO GrandBossSpawnManager: Scheduled 0 Instances^M

================================================== =================-[ Economy ]

INFO TradeListTable: Loaded 688 Buylists.^M

INFO TradeListTable: Loaded 688 custom Buylists.^M

INFO ManorSystem: Schedule for manor refresh @ Fri Jun 05 20:00:19 CDT 2009^M

INFO ManorSystem: Manor period approve updated^M

INFO ManorSystem: Schedule for period approve @ Fri Jun 05 06:00:19 CDT 2009^M

INFO ManorManager: Loaded 256 seeds^M

INFO AuctionManager: loaded 38 auction(s)^M

================================================== ================-[ Olympiad ]

INFO Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System....^M

INFO Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period^M

INFO Olympiad System: Period Ends....^M

INFO Olympiad System: In 26 days, 13 hours and 13 mins.^M

INFO Olympiad System: Next Weekly Change is in....^M

INFO Olympiad System: 6 days, 2 hours and 14 mins.^M

INFO Olympiad System: Loaded 0 Nobles^M

INFO Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 0 hours and 0 mins.^M

INFO Olympiad System: Event starts/started : Thu Jun 04 18:00:19 CDT 2009^M

================================================== ================-[ Dungeons ]

INFO Olympiad System: Olympiad Game Started^M

INFO DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 7 room types with 56 rooms.^M

INFO DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 462 dimensional rift spawns, 0 errors.^M

INFO FourSepulchersManager: Loaded 20 Mysterious-Box spawns.^M

INFO FourSepulchersManager: Loaded 716 Physical type monsters spawns.^M

INFO FourSepulchersManager: Loaded 716 Magical type monsters spawns.^M

INFO FourSepulchersManager: loaded 92 Church of duke monsters spawns.^M

INFO FourSepulchersManager: loaded 68 Emperor's grave NPC spawns.^M

INFO FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Conquerors' Sepulcher Manager^M

INFO FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Emperors' Sepulcher Manager^M

INFO FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Great Sages' Sepulcher Manager^M

INFO FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Judges' Sepulcher Manager^M

INFO FourSepulchersManager: Beginning in Attack time^M

================================================== ==================-[ Bosses ]

INFO AntharasManager : State of Antharas is NOTSPAWN.^M

INFO AntharasManager : Next spawn date of Antharas is Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969.^M

INFO Thu Jun 04 22:46:19 CDT 2009 Atk announce scheduled to 50.0 minute of this hour.^M

INFO AntharasManager : Init AntharasManager.^M

INFO Thu Jun 04 22:46:19 CDT 2009 Atk announce scheduled to 50.0 minute of this hour.^M

INFO AntharasManager : Init AntharasManager.^M

INFO BaiumManager : State of Baium is NOTSPAWN.^M

INFO BaiumManager : Next spawn date of Baium is Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969.^M

INFO BaiumManager : Init BaiumManager.^M

INFO BaylorManager : State of Baylor is NOTSPAWN.^M

INFO BaylorManager : Next spawn date of Baylor is Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969.^M

INFO BaylorManager : Init BaylorManager.^M

INFO SailrenManager : State of Sailren is NOTSPAWN.^M

INFO SailrenManager : Next spawn date of Sailren is Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969.^M

INFO SailrenManager : Init SailrenManager.^M

INFO ValakasManager : State of Valakas is NOTSPAWN.^M

INFO ValakasManager : Next spawn date of Valakas is Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969.^M

INFO ValakasManager : Init ValakasManager.^M

INFO VanHalterManager.loadRoyalGuard: Loaded 30 Royal Guard spawn locations.^M

INFO VanHalterManager.loadTriolRevelation: Loaded 11 Triol's Revelation spawn locations.^M

INFO VanHalterManager.loadRoyalGuardCaptain: Loaded 1 Royal Guard Captain spawn locations.^M

INFO VanHalterManager.loadRoyalGuardHelper: Loaded 1 Royal Guard Helper spawn locations.^M

INFO VanHalterManager.loadGuardOfAltar: Loaded 4 Guard Of Altar spawn locations.^M

INFO VanHalterManager.loadVanHalter: Loaded High Priestess van Halter spawn locations.^M

INFO VanHalterManager.loadRitualOffering: Loaded Ritual Offering spawn locations.^M

INFO VanHalterManager.loadRitualSacrifice: Loaded Ritual Sacrifice spawn locations.^M

INFO VanHalterManager : State of High Priestess van Halter is NOTSPAWN.^M

INFO VanHalterManager : Next spawn date of High Priestess van Halter is Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969.^M

INFO VanHalterManager : init VanHalterManager.^M

INFO LastImperialTombSpawnlist: Loaded 18 Room1 1st Npc Spawn Locations.^M

INFO LastImperialTombSpawnlist: Loaded 9 Room1 2nd Npc Spawn Locations.^M

INFO LastImperialTombSpawnlist: Loaded 6 Room1 3rd Npc Spawn Locations.^M

INFO LastImperialTombSpawnlist: Loaded 8 Room1 4th Npc Spawn Locations.^M

INFO LastImperialTombSpawnlist: Loaded 4 Room2 Inside Npc Spawn Locations.^M

INFO LastImperialTombSpawnlist: Loaded 87 Room2 Outside Npc Spawn Locations.^M

INFO LastImperialTombManager: Init The Last Imperial Tomb.^M

INFO FrintezzaManager : State of Frintezza is NOTSPAWN.^M

INFO FrintezzaManager : Next spawn date of Frintezza is Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969.^M

INFO FrintezzaManager : Init FrintezzaManager.^M

================================================== ==============-[ Extensions ]

================================================== ================-[ Handlers ]

INFO ForgottenScrollsManager: Loaded 195 forgotten scrolls.^M

INFO RecipeController: Loaded 910 recipes.^M

INFO ItemHandler: Loaded 2469 handlers.^M

INFO SkillHandler: Loaded 87 handlers.^M

INFO AdminCommandHandler: Loaded 509 handlers.^M

INFO UserCommandHandler: Loaded 18 handlers.^M

INFO VoicedCommandHandler: Loaded 7 handlers.^M

INFO UserCommandHandler: Loaded 18 handlers.^M

INFO VoicedCommandHandler: Loaded 7 handlers.^M

INFO ChatHandler: Loaded 16 handlers.^M

================================================== ====================-[ Misc ]

INFO ObjectRestrictions: loading...^M

INFO ObjectRestrictions: loaded 0 restrictions.^M

INFO TaskManager: initalized.^M

INFO GmListTable: initalized.^M

INFO RMI Server is currently disabled.^M

INFO PetitionManager: initalized.^M

INFO FloodProtector: initalized.^M

================================================== ===========-[ ServerThreads ]

INFO Connecting to login on^M

================================================== =================-[ l2jfree ]

INFO Revision: 1.2.7^M

INFO Compiler version: 1.6.0_11^M

INFO Operating System: Linux 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5 amd64^M

INFO Available CPUs: 4^M

================================================== ==================-[ Memory ]

INFO - AllowedMemory: 932096 KB^M

INFO Allocated: 663872 KB (71.2236%)^M

INFO Non-Allocated: 268224 KB (28.7764%)^M

INFO - AllocatedMemory: 663872 KB^M

INFO Used: 423176 KB (45.4005%)^M

INFO Unused (cached): 240696 KB (25.8231%)^M

INFO - UseableMemory: 508920 KB (54.5995%)^M

INFO Maximum Numbers of Connected Players: 600^M

INFO Server Loaded in 47 seconds^M

================================================== ===========-[ GameServerLog ]

ObjectRestrictions: storing started:

ObjectRestrictions: storing permanent restrictions.

ObjectRestrictions: storing paused events.

ObjectRestrictions: stopping and storing running events.

ObjectRestrictions: All data saved.

SevenSigns: Data saved.

RaidPointsManager: All character raid points saved.

RaidBossSpawnManager: All raidboss info saved.

GrandBossSpawnManager: All grandboss info saved.

TradeController: All count Item Saved

Olympiad: Data saved.

CursedWeaponsManager: Data saved.

Data saved. All players disconnected, terminating.

ThreadPoolManager: Shutting down!

Executing 772 tasks!

ThreadPoolManager: Results!

Pool: false

84 tasks left.


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LOL dude thats not error omfg ....

that is the way that load the databace omg man :X I dont have words to say you that you are LAME !!!


There is No ERROR !!! all is 100% work from this topic ...

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Login Server Log File



INFO : loading login config

INFO : MLog clients using log4j logging.

INFO : Initializing c3p0- [built 21-May-2007 15:04:56; debug? true; trace: 10]

INFO : Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource [ acquireIncrement -> 5, acquireRetryAttempts -> 0, acquireRetryDelay -> 500, autoCommitOnClose -> true, automaticTestTable -> connection_test_table, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, dataSourceName -> 1hgekqa811cf8jfv1ums4g1|16ba5c7a, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces -> false, description -> null, driverClass -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, factoryClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken -> 1hgekqa811cf8jfv1ums4g1|16ba5c7a, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 60, initialPoolSize -> 3, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb, maxAdministrativeTaskTime -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 0, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, maxPoolSize -> 20, maxStatements -> 0, maxStatementsPerConnection -> **** minPoolSize -> 1, numHelperThreads -> 20, numThreadsAwaitingCheckoutDefaultUser -> 0, preferredTestQuery -> null, properties -> {HOST=localhost, user=******, password=******, DBNAME=l2jdb}, propertyCycle -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> true, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false ]

INFO : Loaded 127 server names

INFO : LoginManager initiating

INFO : Cached 10 KeyPairs for RSA communication

INFO : RandomIntGenerator: initialized

INFO : Stored 20 keys for Blowfish communication

INFO : GameServerManager: Loaded 1

INFO : Cached 10 RSA keys for Game Server communication.

INFO : BanManager: Loaded 3 banned ip/subnet(s).

INFO : Listening for GameServers on

StatusServer Started! - Listening on Port: 12345

INFO : Login Server ready on




And this is where we are at...



Something's up with the game servers. We can create accounts, but anything showing up in the game server list is down. Hacking at this for a while now... I'm at a loss.


ANY thoughts would be nice. Sorry I had to cut this into multiple posts to fit it all. As you can see the GameServer is giving us errors but the login is fine. We have tried to fix these errors but can't seem to get them 100%.



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LOL dude thats not error omfg ....

that is the way that load the databace omg man :X I dont have words to say you that you are LAME !!!


There is No ERROR !!! all is 100% work from this topic ...


SEVERE Stats for item id 570005 ignored !^M

INFO ItemTable: Loaded 2266 Armors.^M

INFO ItemTable: Loaded 8408 Items.^M

SEVERE Cannot find onCast skill (0,0) for weapon item 8143^M


Then what are these? And why does our server still say its offline? If the script ran fine?

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hmm is this archid pack ??? first look for what Throne is the pack man !

I thing thats archid pack and is interlude version ...

Thats why it tells you the server is DOWN.


any way there is no error in the consoles ...

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your problem is in gameserver-loginserver.propeties so you must delete the password end you must write on login write localhost....if you want one guid for learn how do you creat the server you must see these thx. :)Guid gow to open your server[update 2th]




# Database info

Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

# Driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver

# Driver = com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver

URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb

# URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jdb

# URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=l2jdb/user=sa/password=

Login = localhost

Password =

MaximumDbConnections = 50



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    • bro is any chance some one share compile pack and patch system for that one? is any chance here.... and client
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    • OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITE / FORUM - MILLENNIUM-HOOK.NET CHEAT DESCRIPTION: Our CS2 cheat is a premium cheat which provides a ton of features for legit gamplay. The cheat was created specifically for strong leagues and anti-cheats such as Faceit, 5EWin, Gamersclub, Esportal and many others. This cheat is perfect for players who want a safe undetected and reliable multi-hack while dominating their opponents and winning the game in their own style. To ensure maximum security of our cheat, we use more than 15+ methods of protection (for example, String Encryption, PE Header Erased, Code Mutation and much more that we cannot talk about for security reasons). Settings are directly configurable via a superb looking in-game menu or over our online «Cloud Panel». Our product is constantly receiving updates in collaboration with the our coders community and suggestions by you! SUPPORTED ANTI-CHEATS: (read more on official website) - VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) - MM (Matchmaking) - FACEIT Server-Side - FACEIT Client - CEVO / Gfinity - EAC (Easy Anti-Cheat) - ESL Wire - 5EWin / 5EPlay - Perfect World - Gamersclub - Esportal - WePlay - ESEA Our CS2 cheat has a limited number of slots to ensure greater product security! (Available slots check on official website) FEATURES: AIMBOT: - Bone Aimbot (Legit aimbot that doesn't use any angle code that other competitors use. It aims in a legitimate fashion) - Bone and Multibone (Adjust which bone to aim at or select as many Bones as you want) - Smoothaim (Adjust how smooth the aimbot is in its human-like drag) - CloseAim (Toggle distance based aiming algorithm, for increased stickyness, or whoever is closest to the crosshair) - FoV (Adjust the Field of View of the aimbot or percentage of the screen that the aimbot will target enemies from) - Aimkey (Adjust which key the aimbot will use to aim) - AimDraw (Toggle the drawing of the aimspot on enemies (Visible/Always) - VisibleCheck (Visible checking on enemies with close enemy) - NoHop (Aim at One Target per press of the AimKey (Aimbot Doesn't Hop to Other Targets even after death) - RandomSpot (Randomizes the Spot around the target bones, making your aim look more humanized and legit) - Aimtime (Amount of time that the aimbot and Aimbot-RCS is active for, after you press the aimkey) - Ammo Management (Disable aimbot and TriggerBot when the gun clip is empty) - CloseFoV (Different FoV for players with in a certain distance (CloseFOV Distance) - AimOnShoot (Aim when shooting, aim when not shooting) - RecoilAfter (Start recoil after x bullets (Good for 1-2 Taps) - Recoil (Adjust the recoil counter while using the aimbot) - RecoilKey (Adjust which key the anti-recoil is set on (For all Aimbot Keys) - RecoilType (Control if recoil control is always on or only when using the Aimbot) - RecoilFOV (Adjust how long the Recoil will stay stuck to the target, very usable for when playing at a LAN) TRIGGERBOT: - TriggerBot (Automatically shoot at an enemy in a radius (usable with or without Aimbot) - TriggerKey (Control what key activates the TriggerBot (use with any key) - TriggerFov (Control the radius around the AimSpot which activates the TriggerBot) - TriggerDraw (Draw the bone spot that the TriggerBot is aiming at) - TriggerBone (Select the bone that the TriggerBot will target) - TriggerDelay (To add to the legitimacy of the TriggerBot, delays shooting for up to 0.5 seconds) - MonsterTrigger (Extremely Fast & Accurate TriggerBot with Fullbody Options Perfect TriggerBot) - VisCheck (Make sure you're only hitting enemies that you can see, or turn it off to get some sick wallbangs) - Random Delay (A random delay for your trigger bot to look even more legitimate) - Trigger Button (Use any button you like to control the triggerbot) ESP: - Name (Name of the player) - Health (Shows the current health of a player) - Armor (Shows the current amount of armor a player has) - ArmorType (Show if a player currently has a Kevlar vest, a helmet or both equipped) - Weapon (See what weapon a player is currently holding) - Weapon Ammo (See how much ammo you have left in the current clip) - Index (The internal index of the player based on the CSGO engine) - Distance (The distance of each player from you) - Box (A box around each players model, adjusting with distance (new rectangle box type) - Sequence (What action or stance the player is in (Running, Ducking, Jumping, Scoped etc) - Box Size & Box Multi (The size of the boxes around the players, adjustable to how you like) - Team ESP (Toggle ESP on your teammates) - Clean Draw ESP (Move ESP away from box) - Pixel ESP (Single Pixel ESP for legitimate play, shows one single pixel on the screen so it's not noticeable to any casual observers) - Visible ESP (Different color ESP for visible & non-visible players) - Entity ESP (See weapons, defusers, Bomb Location, and defusing players) - Entity Distance (Adjust how far away you will see different Entities for the ultimate in Player-Location assistance) - List ESP (The Ultimate Legit ESP, Listing Players that are not on your screen, or players anywhere in case you don't want to know where they are exactly) MISC: - Bunny Hop (Jumps automatically while the chosen key is being held) - Crosshair (When enabled it will draw a cross-hair on your screen, perfect for snipers, it also features an adjustable size) - Weapon Config System (Weapon configurations for each weapon group (pistols, deagle, snipers, SMG, Knife, rifles, etc) - Flash reduction (Make sure you can see enemies while you're supposed to be flashed) - Radar In Game (A radar is displayed where you see opponents) REQUIREMENTS: - Included HWID Spoofer: Yes - Stream Bypass: Yes - Supported game modes: Windowed, Borderless - Supported CPU: Intel & AMD - Supported OS: Windows 10 (1903,1909,2004,20H2,21H1, 22H2), Windows 11 (All version). Supported OS change and are added periodically. More check on official website.   IN-GAME SCREENSHOTS:   - Check on the official website.
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