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[Question]Leacher? What exactly it is ? And What is the meaning in that forum?

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What is a leacher? can someone explain to me?


if someone take a post and post it somewhere else or create his forum thats how it is named? what are the punishements of most forums? and what is the punishements at that forum?



I've been informed that a new forum has created today 3/6/2009 time between 3+4 MM



Anyway i made that topic:



i found it on google:



what is that exactly?


why the word leacher is so bad?



what a leacher does?



i asked from morian in msn but he could give an answer as he is a new member in the team...



width=774 height=768http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/1345/22039745.jpg[/img]



A leecher is someone who "steals" people's work. For example, If I copy all shares from MxC to another forum WITHOUT credits then I am a leecher.


*Credits, I mean to give the source where I find those shares.


the post that i made... am i gonna eat ban? because i found a differend source of my post...

Eat ban :p that we said only in greek :p


Gia na sto eksigisw kala 8a sto pw sta ellinika :P Na s dwsw na katalaveis...


Pes oti esy kaneis ena forum anoigeis telos pantwn ena site.. k ta ftiaxneis ta section 1 pros 1 ... ta rules... ta section .. ta names ktlp... k meta oti apo kapia xroniki periodo to site sou gemizei k ginete kapws gnwsto... k erxete ena member... to paizei kalws klp... (Dn einai aparaitito auto alla prospa8w na to kanw pio katanoito) k  autoC ftiaxnei k autoc ena site me parOmoio name h design.. k ta pernei seri apo tn arxi k ta antigrafei akrivws opws ta exeis sto site sou... Ta panta ola... k ta 8emata.. k ta sections.. k st pernei prospa8ontas na antigrapsei to site sou . AUTO EINAI LEECHER ;p


(Me skopo na kerdisei kosmo)  (Kai oi pio polloi apo autous pou klevoun douleies allwN dn dinoune kan ta credits lene etC stn psixra oti to kanan autoi...)




Px auto p egrapses panw rikse mia matia guro sou ti einai paromoia ;)


@TheEnd as i understand from you  if you was the owner of that forum you would ban everyone that he would try to

compete you?



@HiThere yeah i know that it is gonna die if it will not last at least 1 year ... after one year ppl will be coming but noone can keep alive a forum for one year expect maxtor that he had sit down ... but there will be more forums that they will success in the future!


@K4rMaArr0ws  Κάνοντας αυτό που έκανα είμαι παράνομος σε αυτό το φόρουμ?


@K4rMaArr0ws  Κάνοντας αυτό που έκανα είμαι παράνομος σε αυτό το φόρουμ?


Oxi..  epeidi anafereis auta ~


Credits: FovosGR


Lineage II Official Site: www.lineage2.com


Lineage II Greek Official Site: http://discoverlineage2.com/el/


Eλληνική αντιπρωσοπία τις NCSoft για το Lineage II: http://www.beacon.gr/


Gracia Final Official Site: http://www.lineage2.com/gracia/index3.html


Download link for Gracia Final Client (Κανονικό Final Client): http://www.gamershell.com/download_44070.shtml



δλδ πέρνωντας για παράδειγμα αυτό το τόπικ



Άν στο τέλος κάποιος γράψει

Credits: Stealth

Source: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=51932.0


Δεν είναι παράνομος σωστά;


Ίσα ίσα κερδίζει το φόρουμ και περισσότερο advertisement!


δλδ πέρνωντας για παράδειγμα αυτό το τόπικ



Άν στο τέλος κάποιος γράψει

Credits: Stealth

Source: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=51932.0


Δεν είναι παράνομος σωστά;


Ίσα ίσα κερδίζει το φόρουμ και περισσότερο advertisement!


Twra siga min fas ban outos i alos to original post itan genika tou FOVOSGR

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