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Its my first tutorial here but i hope that u will learn sth using it.


lets start


1. at first u have to choose image which u want to use as brush


i choosed star but u can choose whatever u want




2. now we have to cut our image using Polygonal Lasso Tool




3. copy cutted image into new layer. If u want u can modify it. (in my case a shadow)

if u r done hide background. layers should looks like on screen below.




4. now we almost done. We have to save our brush. Go to edit menu and  define brush preset (Edit/Define Brush Preset...).




5. Name your brush




6. and w00t? we have our custom brush.




7. enjoy with using it




it should be located in your photoshop folder


default location:

Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop X\Presets\Brushes where X is the version number for your version of Photoshop.


u have 2 find .abr file with your name



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