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Where to find player death


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If anyone could tell me where to find in l2j java files.

I want to make the player drop something from the pvp or pk.


Thanks alot!

L2PcInstance  doDie()

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sorry, i meant...drop something from PVP or PK from the winning player's inventory.

Get doDie() and make a random chance of player dropping a specific item.

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it is a custom feature in ZeRo*'s pack!

i dont know how he did that !

better ask him..

Its very simple actually. I did it in many other posts roby, sorry but I wont make people their code anymore. If you want special features make them, I'm here to offer support not to dev for you people ;)

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Ok, so this is the function.



I'll have to remove this "(!isInsideZone(ZONE_PVP) || pk == null) &&" (from the first if statement).


From what I can tell this is the only modification needs to be made. Am I correct ?

Thank you again.



private void onDieDropItem(L2Character killer)


if (atEvent || killer == null)



L2PcInstance pk = killer.getActingPlayer();

if (getKarma() <= 0 && pk != null

                && pk.getClan() != null && getClan() != null

                && (


                        // || this.getClan().isAtWarWith(((L2PcInstance)killer).getClanId())





if ((!isInsideZone(ZONE_PVP) || pk == null) && (!isGM() || Config.KARMA_DROP_GM))


boolean isKarmaDrop = false;

boolean isKillerNpc = (killer instanceof L2Npc);

int pkLimit = Config.KARMA_PK_LIMIT;


int dropEquip          = 0;

int dropEquipWeapon    = 0;

int dropItem            = 0;

int dropLimit          = 0;

int dropPercent        = 0;


if (getKarma() > 0 && getPkKills() >= pkLimit)


isKarmaDrop = true;

dropPercent = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP;

dropEquip = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_EQUIP;

dropEquipWeapon = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_EQUIP_WEAPON;

dropItem = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_ITEM;

dropLimit = Config.KARMA_DROP_LIMIT;


else if (isKillerNpc && getLevel() > 4 && !isFestivalParticipant())


dropPercent = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP;

dropEquip = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP_EQUIP;


dropItem = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP_ITEM;

dropLimit = Config.PLAYER_DROP_LIMIT;



            int dropCount = 0;

while (dropPercent > 0 && Rnd.get(100) < dropPercent && dropCount < dropLimit)


                int itemDropPercent = 0;

List<Integer> nonDroppableList = new FastList<Integer>();

List<Integer> nonDroppableListPet = new FastList<Integer>();





for (L2ItemInstance itemDrop : getInventory().getItems())


// Don't drop

if (

itemDrop.isShadowItem() || // Dont drop Shadow Items

!itemDrop.isDropable() ||

itemDrop.getItemId() == 57 || // Adena

itemDrop.getItem().getType2() == L2Item.TYPE2_QUEST ||                  // Quest Items

nonDroppableList.contains(itemDrop.getItemId()) ||                      // Item listed in the non droppable item list

nonDroppableListPet.contains(itemDrop.getItemId()) ||                  // Item listed in the non droppable pet item list

getPet() != null && getPet().getControlItemId() == itemDrop.getItemId() // Control Item of active pet

) continue;


if (itemDrop.isEquipped())


// Set proper chance according to Item type of equipped Item

                        itemDropPercent = itemDrop.getItem().getType2() == L2Item.TYPE2_WEAPON ? dropEquipWeapon : dropEquip;



else itemDropPercent = dropItem; // Item in inventory


// NOTE: Each time an item is dropped, the chance of another item being dropped gets lesser (dropCount * 2)

if (Rnd.get(100) < itemDropPercent)


dropItem("DieDrop", itemDrop, killer, true);


if (isKarmaDrop)

_log.warning(getName() + " has karma and dropped id = " + itemDrop.getItemId() + ", count = " + itemDrop.getCount());


_log.warning(getName() + " dropped id = " + itemDrop.getItemId() + ", count = " + itemDrop.getCount());










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yes but I don't want the player to drop if he's in town. (other players can make mob trains...). Any ideas ?


add a check for TOWN_ZONE and you are done

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I tried to modify from this "else if (isKillerNpc && getLevel() > 4 && !isFestivalParticipant())" to this " else if (getLevel() > 4 && !isFestivalParticipant())

but it doesn't work.

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