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Atack Speed limit....



Well i have killer_007 pack and on altsettings i put other limit on attack speed and casting speed..Example i put 1500 atack speed and 1800 casting...

Casting speed change but attack speed is stucked on 1301 WTF??

If someone can help me cuz tyrant class in my server simple sux...


P.S. i searched all maxcheaters.com ...

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if its bugged then you cant fix it since you dont have the core

I found that the problem is on //gmspeed 4 :P how i can change gmspeed stats??


<skill id="7029" levels="4" name="Super Haste">
  <set name="power" val="0.0"/>
  <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
  <set name="skillType" val="CONT"/>
  <set name="operateType" val="OP_TOGGLE"/>
  <set name="castRange" val="-1"/>
  <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/>
  <table name="#mpConsumeRate"> 1.0 1.0 5.0 0.1 </table>
  <table name="#runSpd"> 2 3 4 5 </table>
  <table name="#pAtk"> 1 1 1 50 </table>
  <table name="#mAtkSpd"> 2 3 5 5 </table>
  <table name="#pAtkSpd"> 1000 1100 1200 1301 </table>
  <table name="#mReuse"> 1 2 3 3 </table>
   <effect name="Buff" time="9999998" count="1" val="0">
    <mul order='0x50' stat='runSpd' val="#runSpd"/>
    <mul order='0x50' stat='pAtk' val="#pAtk"/>
    <mul order='0x50' stat='mAtkSpd' val="#mAtkSpd"/>
    <set order='0x50' stat='pAtkSpd' val="#pAtkSpd"/>
    <mul order='0x50' stat='MpConsumeRate' val="#mpConsumeRate"/>
    <div order='0x50' stat='mReuse' val="#mReuse"/>

It must be this... So if someone can help to augment the atack speed...

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If you want the original attack speed , just delete    <set order='0x50' stat='pAtkSpd' val="#pAtkSpd"/> tab.If you want the GM speed just edit those :  <table name="#pAtkSpd"> 1000 1100 1200 1301 </table>.The 1301 is the max atk spd ,so edit it by your needs (ps dont make it more than 3000 or server will stuck sometimes when you hit)

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If you want the original attack speed , just delete     <set order='0x50' stat='pAtkSpd' val="#pAtkSpd"/> tab.If you want the GM speed just edit those :   <table name="#pAtkSpd"> 1000 1100 1200 1301 </table>.The 1301 is the max atk spd ,so edit it by your needs (ps dont make it more than 3000 or server will stuck sometimes when you hit)

Thx Leeroy i was so ''idiot'' and i didnt see it :P


Probl Solved //lock it..

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